I go
I go
Everyone forgets the middle two hours of nothing happening. I get that Woo is a huge Hitchcock fan but making a deathly boring NOTORIOUS remake with two actors who have zero chemistry is pure torture.
As a dumb 8-year-old white kid in the US, Crouching Tiger blew my mind at the time. It's probably one of the most personally influential movies to me and my tastes and helped start my fascination with film in general.
Way of the Gun is so fucking good. I'm so glad MacQuarrie is out of movie flop jail and making movies again, you can see the DNA of Gun in Jack Reacher and Rogue Nation.
Oh joy, another way for Josh Radnor to fund his unwatchable indie films.
It's almost like the modern strain of social justice is infected with layer upon layer of purity tests that no one human being can follow 100% of their life and in fact require you to be penitent to the whims of a group of people who spend their entire life finding the faults in their "allies" or be labelled a traitor…
Except that's not a romance.
Chips O'Toole is still my go-to for an exaggerated Australian name.
"His remake of The Manchurian Candidate is pretty good too"
"I never remember them making a big deal out of his gender identity."
The final "eureka" moments of that film("We covet what we see every day") has been burned into my brain for that exact reason.
I had heard about how good that movie was for years but avoided it for the longest time due to my general allergy to Melanie Griffith.
Joy Ride is a nasty bit of fun too. Very underrated.
For a movie that stars Ray Liotta, Linda Fiorintino, Peter Coyote and directed by Dahl it has no right being so fucking boring.
"I know its been pissing off the fans of Blindspot because my brother in law complained the very same complaint to me back a month or two ago"
It's back? Why the fuck is S2 constantly going on breaks, do they not understand that the show finally got good and they should try and nurture those instincts?
This has the faint smell of John Dahl about it, which will always get me in the seat.
The idea that a movie starring Peter Stormare as a mad scientist obsessed with fear can't somehow keep it together is baffling to me. That's like three-quarters of a movie right there already, all you have to do is get it to the finish line!
I dunno, the cast was so tiny and the sets were so sparse in Blue Ruin that the fact that it basically didn't have an actual plot didn't bother me. If they had done that again in Green Room it would have annoyed me a lot more, but Blue Ruin is so thinly sketched by design that I was willing to roll with it.
The Statesman remind of when anime tries to depict "American" characters, it looks goddamn hilarious.