Nibbles Magoo

The Corruptor isn't great, but it's enjoyably mean in a very 90's gritty cop thriller way. People get messed up in that film, some nice collateral damage. It's a shame Whalburgers is so miscast as the 2nd lead.

My Mark Dacascos fandom is undying, so I have some love for it.

Which is dumb. Trnity matters in the context of the story right up until the very last fight between Neo and Smith, which would have been cheapened with anyone else there.

At least Season 1 ended with a proper dramatic finale. i never read the books, but the collapse of Eros felt like a strong narrative conclusion, if not a great character one. No one's arc really finished, but there was a big blowout that felt conclusive to the season.

Also the Bourne franchise is dead after that last one and in the age of superheroes we don't really get espionage action-thrillers anymore.

cheddar knights if you please

The fact that it happened to the quietest and most normal member of the crew is what makes it even better.

hahaha that movie

The only good part of Judge Dredd are some of the one-liners.

I'm gonna pull a matthew here and say i actually really like Eagle Eye and consider it fairly underrated. It doesn't make any sense, but DJ Caruso knows how to direct a thriller and I love the bizarro high-concept twists the movie keeps going through to make it exciting.

It's incredibly stupid but charming. Probably Emmerich's best film.


That movie is a South Park parody of gritty 90's indie thriller.

I really like that movie until the terrible Youtube jump scare video CGI ghost shows up in the finale.

It's something else. Like half the movie is B-roll of cars exploding.

Philip Noyce still knows how to direct a movie, even if Kurt Wimmer doesn't know how to write one.

It doesn't really work as an actual parody, but as it's own thing I can still laugh at it and quote it all the time.

Truly the highlight of Chris Cooper's career.

Up In The Air is a movie you watch as a teenager and think is super-profound and insightful but doesn't hold up once you're out in the real world. It has such raging, vile patronising disdain for anyone who works a normal office job.

When Katherine Bigelow goes dark she really doesn't hold back. See also Near Dark and Blue Steel.