Nibbles Magoo

Sounds like those cringe collages where people on Deviantart draw 'Never Forget" pictures with Spongebob and Goku crying.

I really wanted to like MiB3 more, but Jermaine Clement's career-worst performance as the villain really takes me out of the whole thing.

Firewall is mostly trash but it's got some pretty metal death scenes I really didn't expect out of a boring white guy thriller.

Good Parts Of The Avengers: The Teddy Bear Scene

The sets are nice but the framing is insane, the whole movie is shot like a late 90's Gushers commercial.

I watched that LiS movie a million times as a stupid child. Going back to it now I can't say it's good, but it's so bizarrely terrible and totally insane I can't say it's not worth watching.

It for some reason had multiple sex scenes with David Morrissey and David Thewlis, because if there's two people I want to see naked it's those pasty English fucks.

It's really surprising how non-terrible that first Deuce Bigelow was. It's got a fair share of clunker jokes(Matrix joke, so topical, so hot right now) but it manages to balance the humor of the situation without getting mean about his clients.

It was pre Cold In July, when everyone realised he could still act.

Bill Paxton got me right in the kidneys, though.

Taste The Golden Spray!

"Ivana Milicevic"

Only good part of that movie is Bill Forsythe's death.

QoS is a kinda neat third act to Casino Royale.

I think we still need some of the opening stuff like the Paul Guilfoyle car scene, but the frame-up/trial sequences are a little flabby.

Species II, a movie so cheap and shitty it could turn into porn at any second.

I never read the comic and I still thought it sucked. Like 90% of the dialogue is ear-rending quips and the action is over-produced CGI garbage.

It's a great opening and ending in search of a better whole, but it's still totally watchable.

"Not to mention that Tricky remix at the beginning I was never able to find (and then stopped looking for it, so I'm sure it's readily available now)."

It was a TV pilot Woo filmed. It's basically the Woo film that time forgot.