I can't get into the Johnny Handsome love. It has a lot of elements I SHOULD love, but outside of Barkin's madhouse performance and the ending it mostly fell flat for me.
I can't get into the Johnny Handsome love. It has a lot of elements I SHOULD love, but outside of Barkin's madhouse performance and the ending it mostly fell flat for me.
Even if someone dislikes Miller as an actor, I can't imagine someone calling him forgettable. He's got such a weird, cold intensity.
Also both leads have had pretty decent careers afterwords.
I'd love to know what the original cut of Last Man Standing was supposed to be like.
He's doing both.
The only reason I'd put S1 over 2 is the latter has some filler in the middle that drags a bit. Not a LOT, but compared to the ruthless plot engine of Season 1 it can't help but feel like drag.
Season 3 was the Literally Nothing Happens season. There's maybe a single episode's worth of plot in the whole thing and it hinges on a MacGuffin they never actually explain in-season, the best thing I can say about it is Susan B Anthony was a pretty decent villain.
Dominic Purcell is a pretty charming action star. I watched a couple of his DTV thrillers and he actually managed to anchor them with charisma.
Michael Rappaport played the least convincing FBI agent of all time. He was the male version of Tara Reid's "professor" in Alone In The Dark, every time he opened his mouth it was just sad.
Considering The Mummy and Cruise are connected somehow, I'm pretty sure HE'S the new Benny.
Flaming hot take: Season 2 is almost as good as Season 1 and both are excellent popcorn entertainment. I mean that totally non-disparagingly.
His mainstream 80's career. Extreme Prejudice was pretty good(if clearly edited into near-incomprehensibility from a story standpoint) but otherwise you have Brewster's Millions and Red Heat and Crossroads and lord knows what else.
The script for Bullet To The Head was junk but Hill directed the shit out of it.
The Spider-Man CGI looked fucking awful in the Civil War trailers and ended up looking alright in the movie, so I wouldn't be surprised if that happened here.
The action is just so well-staged that I can't bring myself to dislike the tonal shift.
I just rewatched Absolute Power like two days ago.
It has maybe the best villain death of all time. That third act is great, you're insane.
"That's…that's a nice hat."
I remember looking up the books The Relic was based off of out of vague interest. I didn't love the movie, but I could see the potential there.
Alien Resurrection had maybe the best collection of character actors in film history and did fuck-all nothing with any of them, instead focusing on Winona Ryder crying and Joss Whedon's career-worst dialogue.