Budrow's comin' for you! BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK
I use "It's a growth industry" at least once a day.
It's a pretty solid little action movie that just takes itself way too seriously.
Cade was always the big question mark from Season One, I'm glad to see the show using the disparate elements it set up and actually paying them off.
Ohh, I hadn't head about that one. What's the deal?
Except they'e also getting trashed by the Tumblr crowd for how hard they fucked up the M/M romance options. Which they rightly SHOULD BE trashed for, but let's not stick out fingers in our hears here.
Mon-El: Would you have ever talked to me if you knew I was the Daxam Prince?
Supergirl: You never gave me a chance!
It was literally the Shredder plot from the first TMNT movie.
Some guys just really cannot hold a performance when covering their natural accents.
The only halfway decent fights in this show are in the last three episodes, which is fucking insane for a martial arts hero.
"some logic"
Which would have been fine if literally any of the other villains had acted like him at any point. It's like if Batman & Robin's Mr. Freeze was in Dark Knight Rises.
He's biting into the apple at least.
I liked all the other scenes, but the one in the coffee-shop was dreadful.
Harold is hammy, but Diamondback was Sho'nuff levels of hammitude. He never fit with the rest of the show.
The biggiest issue with the Rand scenes is every Meachum actor is on a different TV show.
But at least we got Frank giving Karen love advic-*vomit*
Faramir's American accent sound almost exactly like Ronald Reagan to the point of distraction, but other then that he's the best part so far.
"than the Punisher murdering fools for ten episodes."