Nibbles Magoo

It was sarcasm, my good man.

It's a majority white cast show that's almost entirely about them trying to find men and get laid instead of smashing the patriarchy, it's nowhere near #woke enough to be considered worthwhile history anymore, so it must be ignored so we can #CorrectTheRecord about media.

Probably Hill's best 90's movie, it's a shame it's mostly been forgotten.

It's very overheated and melodramatic, even for gritty southern noir horror.

2 Guns is nothing special as a film but it's worth watching just to see Paxton and Washington square off.

Apparently Paxton is the one who convinced Lance Henrickson to be in Near Dark. He told Henrickson he was going to be in a "vampire western movie" and Lance of course rolled his eyes, but Paxton was so earnest about the screenplay he managed to convince Lance to read it and the rest was history.

" I see everyone is having a productive morning. You know it gives me a swell of pride knowing soldiers of your… caliber will be leading the charge tomorrow. Tip of the spear. Edge of the knife….crack o' my ass!"

The Greatest Game Ever Played is actually pretty darn good. It's very 2000's Disney, but Paxton plays around with that style well and gets a real story out of what could have been a very generic kiddie golf film.

Between One False Movie, Frailty, and A Simple Plan, he had a GREAT eye for dirty 90's neo-noir.

You're nuts, Under Siege is made my an actual director and it shows. It actually bothers to establish the characters and the geography of the boat before the action starts.

Don't forget Michael Biehn's luscious porn-star moustache.

Screamers is dope, Peter Weller is off the fucking chain in that movie.

Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa is a god among men.

It's "Actors You Like Play Cowboy Dressup: The Movie", pretty hard to hate on it.

Legacy and Jason Bourne are actually fascinating to watch back-to-back because you can see what the extremes of what Gilroy and Greengrass wanted to do with the franchise.

The Hunted is great. It's like a good version of Lustbader's "Ninja" books and the subway fight is one of the secret great action scenes.

I love shitty 90's cyberthrillers, so this is all gravy to me.

Die Hard 2 is just a beat-for-beat-remake of the first movie with all the fun taken out. I normally love Renny Harlin, but that movie is cruel and mean in ways that REALLY don't fit with Die Hard as a series.

The only good part in Bad Boys 2 is the fourth act in Cuba, which actually gets to the "so absurd its awesome" levels the vulgar auteur lunatics claim all his movies are.

Jean Claude Van Damme fights a woman in a penguin costume.