Waterworld's big issue is it's seventeen hours long and sixteen of those hours are Costner staring at water or Hopper monologing to nobody.
Waterworld's big issue is it's seventeen hours long and sixteen of those hours are Costner staring at water or Hopper monologing to nobody.
The idea that anyone could watch his Ring remake and call it the work of a hack is absurd.
"Those were $500 sunglasses, asshole."
Annihilation is firmly in the "so bad it's good" camp. It's a 90's American sentai TV show made into a movie, with all the awful dialogue and cheap sets that conjures up.
A show starring the Mossad lady could be pretty dope.
tfw shrek is not drek
Jesus Christ Matt.
I think people forget how much of the first SHREK is carried by Lithgow.
If anyone would have the influence to do it, it'd be Spielberg.
how can you forget the cinematic magnificence of the astronaut's wife
LETHAL WEAPON IV is the actual real-world version of JACK SLATER IV.
The SAW sequels are amazing. It's like some insane fanboy watched the first film on bath salts and then spent a weekend designing the most convoluted, nonsensical interconnected gobbledygook fanfiction possible.
The meme of adding this song to end of dark, serious films still makes me laugh like a dumb teenager.
It's fine but odd, in that it really feels like one of the screenwriters wanted to make the leads gay but couldn't. It skirts the line sometimes with their friendship.
they really went ogre the line
The bullies getting the ONE character who's giving Chiron a measure of happiness to beat him up was the most screen-writery false conflict bullshit moment of the year.
Douglas has been 44 years old his entire career, like Eastwood.
I thought that first teaser looked awful, but this one has a little bit of that Sherlock Holmes charm and it's got my interest.
That was clearly a joke, though.