Getting rid of Alicia also means getting rid of Eli and Peter, which honestly cleans up a majority of the structural problems with the storytelling.
Getting rid of Alicia also means getting rid of Eli and Peter, which honestly cleans up a majority of the structural problems with the storytelling.
It's depressing that GONE GIRL has re-ignited this white lady suburban mystery garbage, because that's not really what that book was about but its success still caused a legion of dull imitators to crawl out of the woodwork.
John Wick is like the least edgy action franchise of the past decade. It's more interested in throwing in visual references to French New Wave films then showing some kind of sick Banshee-level violence. The fight scenes are basically dance sequences.
The TV critic circles gets hissy when they smell any of the dreaded "Procedural" blood in the water, so unless you're making another True Detective they're going to ignore or mock any cop show that comes out regardless of quality.
But the awesomeness of that sequence is ruined by all the shitty 90's visual gags peppered in. It's basically seven "man wearing headphones" bits in a row.
Yeah, it's less anti-woman more then just having dipshit action movie social politics, which isn't really the same thing.
"Please DO NOT FIRE at the nuclear device!"
The Crow is more of a metaphysical mood piece then a straight action movie.
The Specialist is a James Woods delivery system and nothing else. The rest of that movie falls apart outside of some of the cinematography, Stallone is completely miscast and the narrative is far too plodding and dull for what should be a pretty simple revenge story.
The best/worst thing about Speed 2 was giving Jason Patric the exact same haircut, like that's all he needed to replace Keanu.
I never minded the 4th act of Speed. It's silly, but I never want a version of that film where "I'm taller" and "MY MONEYYYY?!" isn't in it.
Maximum Risk is actually pretty underrated, which is s shame. It's way gritter then JCVD's other films in that era, at points it gets close to "What if Walter Hill directed a Van Damage movie" territory.
Bill Paxton is incredible in True Lies, the man doesn't have a single line of dialogue where he doesn't sound like the biggest sack of shit in human history. He's practically Quagmire from Family Guy with only sightly more self-awareness.
I love Yost, but if you've ever watched Broken Arrow and Hard Rain you'll see that the dialogue in Speed is way better then his other screenplays. His tough-guy talk in the 90's could get to be a little too Jack Slater IV for his own good.
The creator of Mack Bolan, AKA That Guy That The Punisher Ripped Off And Then Became Way More Famous Then.
Jason Patric is a good actor, but he's never fit into major Hollywood films. He looked confused the entire Speed 2 production, the guy only works in depressing dramas or indie films.
Oh God the sheeple am I right, isn't it so difficult being so much "better" then those fucking plebeians who DARE to enjoy the marvel TV. God, it's hard being a genius.
It's the most Grace Zabriskie performance of her career.
I love how Dan refuses to stop being a gigantic asshole no matter the context. I really appreciate an actor who commits to being a gigantic pile of shit.
" I'd have to rewatch it but my recollection is that "creepy" wasn't a product of me being creeped out by homosexuality—rather that Lowe's character is so clearly a psycho predator and Spader's such a helpless babe in the woods."