Nibbles Magoo

The Company wanted out break Whistler out because he had already set up the deal for the lost card, he was the only one who could go to the meeting. They didn't know about the bird book.

That Hackford Parker movie was so fucking disappointing, and it's a shame because the little bits of action it had showed there was real potential in a R-rated Statham Parker movie.

That was so good.

It never gets one.

Well the original SLEEPLESS NIGHT isn't much to write home about either, so I guess I'll see if my "If it wasn't French the American critics would have shit all over it" theory holds true.

I was hoping this would enter the Haywire/The Grey pantheon of good Fuck You It's January movies. The trailers looked pretty good and implied a lot of quality nasty violence.

I'm so glad she gets to be equal lead in this. She got fucked hard with her awful Walking Dead character and this show actually lets her sink into the same kind of juicy character material Josh Holloway gets.

Scheuring confirmed he's not coming back.

You're lucky I rewatched it recently, because that's the only way I can keep all this shit in my head.

Having finally binged the whole previous show over the past few months(I had previously seen S1 and 2 but dropped of hard in the middle of 3) it's fascinating to see the sheer quality drop after the original showrunner left during S3.

Tony Almedia, the master of the rarely-seen quintuple-cross.

It's either them or PMC's.

I'd say "Jack's father and brother being the heads of COBRA or Hydra or whatever the fuck in S6" was the biggest, but Curtis dying was certainly the first shot.

S3 had all the stink of a writer's strike season. Nothing happened and it introduced a new set of side characters that ultimately had very little impact on the overall plot.

"Hopefully not much of Sara!!!!!!!"

The Expanse is probably my #1 on this list. Sci-fi with an actual budget! Thomas Jane!

His head was always up his own ass, though. It's just the good Ken Levine version, not the Kurt Sutter version.

Blindspot S2 is becoming surprisingly strong competition.

Fuck that, I want the NCIS two people one keyboard sequence but with Frank Grillo.

No, Mykelti Williamson gets all the really bad "black" lines.