Nibbles Magoo

There's nothing inherently wrong with male power fantasies, but too often that correlates with awfully written female characters who serve as MacGuffins or abuse props. And that's bad writing regardless of context.

I'd say split the difference.

I can't imagine ever watching Baccano subbed.

Msot of the problems with post-S5 Good Wife stemmed from Alicia's storylines, so surgically removing her character and replacing her with Ygritte as the new audience POV is a smart choice.

First thing, ASM2 was made by Sony.

There was a dumb butt joke at the end of the first Kingsman, so now Internet writers have to pretend it was entirely without merit and all the fans are dudebro misogynists.

Didn't White Wolf sue the Underworld producers over copyright?

I enjoyed the first one as ridiculous overstuffed gothic nonsense. All the lore and characters swirl together into a surprisingly compelling B-movie melodrama.

Yes, clearly Jackie Kennedy and Black Swan are the same character.

Oblivion 2: Jenny Boogaloo

I've seen him in Jurassic World and Magnificent Seven, you're not missing much from him in "serious action hero" mode.

I still like her as an actress, but saying she "acts circles" around Pratt is a bit much.

Yeah, this is a lot of information to reveal in a normal review.

Wait, does it end with Pratt dying or with Pratt and Lawrence growing old in space togather? The wording is a little confusing at the end there.

"Lawrence can act circles around Pratt"

Don't forget "directed by a white man" because clearly that's a legitimate criticism for a movie and is not at all cringe-inducing.

Like 80% of the S2 cast died, it'd be hard to pull off.

Not after Vinyl.

"Chelsea Cain and Kate Niemczyk’s Mockingbird"

The mugs getting bigger and bigger was fantastic.