She loves them both, she's made that very clear.
She loves them both, she's made that very clear.
Man, the implosion of Channel Awesome could be its own novel.
Brad Jones/Cinema Snob makes movies, but with the exception of one has released them all for free and are basically no-budget love letters to the Z-grade exploitation flicks he reviews.
The ratings are bad, the critics are mostly middling and there's no online fan presence. It doesn't have the Twitter/Tumblr hooks that keep their other low-rated shows on the air.
The first Blade is great until the third act, with all the La Magra nonsense and the exploding vampires that look like absolute crap.
What, you don't like staring at Mandylor's sweaty, reptilian face for two hours?
Watching Ned Beatty play a fake Dick Cheney was a lot of fun.
Switching Memphis' gender is mildly interesting.
You know what I'm gonna tell God when I see him? I'm gonna tell him I was framed.
That brief, glorious two-month period where Hollywood thought Tom Everett Scott would become a thing.
wha happen
Continuum worked because it took its sweet time establishing its time-travel lore, something like two seasons to really nail it all down. I admire Frequency for jumping into the deep end of the pool this quickly, but if they don't calm down its going to get nonsensical fast.
I do, it's pretty good so far. The plotting isn't always coherent but the cast itself is pretty damn excellent, I'm enjoying it so far.
Michelle basically telling Tony to stop being such a pussy over her possibly dying and just get back to doing his fucking job is still one of my favourite 24 moments ever.
Oh I heard about how nutty the ending was, but even still it wasn't doing much for me outside of the soundtrack.
Bird With The Crystal Plumage almost put me to sleep and I didn't even finish Phenomena out of disinterest, but Deep Red was excellent.
The freeway sequence is still one of my favourite individual setpieces of all time. The rest of the movie was fun, but even if it was garbage the film would justify its existence with that scene alone.
But that doesn't work in gritty, "serious" thrillers involving assassinations and super-viruses. You can't combine Tom Clancy and Carmen Sandiego, it leads to an under-developed thriller element because the story has to keep stopping to have the characters go read some more about art.