Nibbles Magoo

I'm not denying Guilty As Sin wasn't fun, but there's not much to talk about there.

It turns out that the billionaire who kills himself in the beginning of the story had already poisoned the world's water supply weeks ago(the Inferno virus was in a water-soluble bag) and the countdown date isn't to the release of the virus, but when the virus has fully disseminated around the world. It's supposed to

I'm liking this season a lot, but the smug assurance that anyone who liked The Force Awakens thinks that all the modern nostalgia obsession is good is starting to irk me.

I remember enjoying the Da Vinci Code/Angels & Demons films when I was in high-school, but even then I knew that the novels themselves were terrible.

Do they hack the Gibson?

The Mark Kermode reviews are pretty fantastic as well.

Don't forget Ewan McGregor's "It's a-me, Mario!" Italian accent in Angels & Demons.

Zimmer seems to wake up when he gets to play around with more classical music styles. His score for Hannibal is absolutely gorgeous.

Instead of Langdon getting into a metal pole karate fight with the papal assassin they just have a very short conversation where the villain just talks about his devotion to the "cause" before the assassin gets blown up in a car bomb to clean up loose ends.

Trying to build a "lore" out of Paranormal Activity might be the most bizarre attempt at a mythology since the Curse of Thorne in the Halloween sequels.

I will say Angels and Demons gave me some newfound respect for David Koepp. That was the only book I actually read from the series, so I could watch on-screen the screenwriter's struggle to change as much as the producers would allow to at least slightly mitigate the moronic plotting decisions.

I don't see the point of adapting this if they aren't going to keep the insane, disgusting ending. No one gives a shit about these books anymore, to the point that they skipped adapting The Lost Symbol because who could possibly give a shit.


Lumet has made some incredible films, but like Iggy mentioned he's actually made a fair number of mediocre-to-bad forgettable potboilers. What can you even wring out of a conversation about films like A Stranger Among Us, Guilty As Sin, his terrible Gloria remake, Family Business, Power, etc.

I love how eclectic Gore Verbinski's filmography is. From Mousehunt to The Mexican to The Ring, he's always bouncing around genres.

It really worked for House(until the actual "revel" which was pretty bad) but that's not something you can really repeat, and once he ran out of that bag of tricks he came up with anything else of merit.

3/4ths of the movie of almost nothing happening leading up a bugfuck crazy finale.

House of the Devil was a good trick, but it one trick and West has been copying tha trick over and over since. And the one time he broke from his formula we got that faux-Jonestown found-footage movie which was pretty goddamn bad.

99.9999999% of the violence in Bone Tomahawk is in the very beginning and the very end. If you can power through the beginning there's seriously like a good two hours with no real blood to speak of.

I've seen six out of ten, that's not bad.