All the posters and commercials for Wimbledon made it look like that fake Dermot Mulroney rom-com from Burn After Reading.
All the posters and commercials for Wimbledon made it look like that fake Dermot Mulroney rom-com from Burn After Reading.
But those have gotten so much work that they literally look like different people, with the exception of Kidman.
Mickey Rourke has been a punching-bag over his looks for decades at this point.
That's a great moment. The whole film is basically proof that you can make even the oldest cliches work with the proper intelligence in your screenplay.
It's memorable just because you realize how Christian Bale's performance in that film is literally a De Niro impression.
Showtime is memorable for having one of the most bizarre villain deaths in action-movie history.
Lady, I never enter a building without knowing a way out.
The Score works because of how low-stakes it is. De Niro and Norton just want to steal some gold bauble, not 100 billion dollars or some other ridiculous nonsense.
5 is more easily rewatchable, of course. It's the most popcorn of the seasons, and probably the only one that really goes full-on into the "24 episode action movie" idea the show was trying to sell.
I might have to argue with you there, Cookie. Seasons 2 and 3 of Continuum are serious contenders for the belt.
I don't know, it's a dead-lock between Season 1 or 5.
First Contact is awesome.
It was so good I still haven’t watched past it, despite finally wrapping 5 up maybe two months ago.
Almost none of the Trek films are "Trek" films. If Khan or Voyage Home came out now they'd be decried as canon-ruining and daring to turn Trek into an action thriller or a wacky comedy.
Hopefully this is Clockers Richard Price, and not Child 44 Richard Price.
Seven Pounds is one of the worst movies ever made.
We were always at war with The 100, bob.
I like the Darth Maul fight and the opening. You can like sections while admitting the trilogy as a whole was crap.
That wave of "The Star Wars Prequels aren't so bad" articles were the starter pistol for the hot take machine going on overload.
The scene of everyone being transported the first time, you have the whole group freaking out…except Shaloub, just happily eating cheese out of one of those little cheese/breadstick container things.