Nibbles Magoo

The death of Luther Mahoney was the beginning of the end. What a god-awful decision on every level, and it opened to door for Luther's terrible Bond-villain sister to replace him.

You can pinpoint the exact second Spectre turns to compete shit.

The finale was excellent, but the rest of the season was just too meandering for what it was trying to say.

The ending of Frailty is excellent. Making it perfectly clear that everything was real and God was talking to Paxton and his family was the perfect Old Testament fuck-you to the audience.

She was main cast on that JLo cop show, maybe schedules couldn't work out.

You're forgetting the officious British spymaster who, while being sarcastically and brutally cynical, still has a tiny shred of hope or redemption that they feel can be found through the unassuming lead, and is usually crushed yet again in the finale.

Huh, that explains why they had such good chemistry at least.

The biggest issue with Anarchy was how forgettable every character not played by Frank Grillo was.

He cameo/work in Until Dawn was awesome.

I've mentioned this in other places, but there's a kernel of a good social satire if the first Pure. The idea that Ethan Hawke is part of this rich nearly-gated neighbourhood because he sold everyone in the area piece-of-shit Purge security systems and all their neighbours secretly hate them for being glorified

Not really. The nice part about the first Purge film having almost nothing to do with the actual Purge itself is that you never need to watch it.

Apparently Season 2 of that show got way better? I never watched past the first season's finale because fuck that, but it somehow got decent?

It was actually him for about 95% of it. I think the only scene a stuntman did was when he gets thrown into a wall at some point.

Dean Stockwells.

Road House 2's Jonathan Schaech?!?

well i'm sorry to hear that

The pre-JJ Trek movies have never been particularly cerebral, outside of The Motion Picture which is deathly boring. They're just genre movies in the universe of Star Trek, even Wrath of Khan is just an expertly constructed Cold War sci-fi thriller.

Or Enterprise.

Yeah I get that. The fight at the end of the first Pirates is basically seventeen interlocking spinning pieces coming together and it can get a bit much. And forget about the sequels, pretty much every fight in those has that times ten.

Oh man, I love the entire finale! The elaborate inter-cut fight between both Zorro's and their respective antagonists was excellent.