Is this show actually this good? It seemed kind of minor from the outside, but if the critical reception is anything to go by this might be worth a look.
Is this show actually this good? It seemed kind of minor from the outside, but if the critical reception is anything to go by this might be worth a look.
Angelina Jolie was basically the character's actual proportions brought to life, and that didn't somehow make those great movies.
No, but there's been plenty of angry Internet heat over the fact that her breasts aren't big enough to play Lara Croft.
That's Alicia Vikander's beat, now.
It's not a big-budget adaptation of Relic Hunter?
I just find the reaction to the butt scene insane in the context of a movie where the two major female characters are shown as being competent and unless you love tweed jackets, are never sexualized in any way. The main female lead isn't even a romance prospect in the story, she's just the sidekick who gets to have…
Leslie Jones is basically the Anti-Life Equation of comedy to me. It's like she wants to resurrect the spectre of Chris Tucker at his worst when no one was asking for it.
Ernie Hudson is the secret weapon of that first Ghostbusters movie. He's great, and they way they basically cut him out of 2 is criminal.
Hush was awesome.
Redux was my original exposure to Apocalypse Now, and even I could tell where the bloat was that needed to be cut. I liked the Bunny sequence fine but the plantation sequence is interminable, it goes on for fucking ever.
More gristled with a huge side-order of spoiled ham.
I've always had a soft-spot for arty erotic thrillers from the 90's, and when I had heard of it and its cult status I was basically expecting long-lost Paul Verhoven movie.
Yeah, you're right. I guess the equivalent would be something being shit on exclusively for being very masculine while also being terrible. That doesn't really happen the same way for men's material.
There's whatever the fuck he was trying to do in R.I.P.D.
The Beef has gotten to full James Franco walking meme levels.
I mean people shit on the Transformers movies a LOT online. Let's be fair here, they're the butt of a million jokes every time one comes out just like any other Bay film.
I know he's a big name and it's fucking embarrassing that I've only seen one of his films. Maybe his depressing, dreamlike erotic thriller/waking nightmare wasn't the best place to start with Assayas.
That Runaways biopic was painfully average but Stewart was a great Joan Jett. The fact that she managed to act next to full-ham Michael Shannon and not get swallowed up by his performance is genuinely impressive.
It looks like an adaptation of a long-lost Joe Lansdale novel, which is basically catnip to me.
Demonlover was brutal and dark enough that it's kind of scared me off of any other Assayas since. I've had the full cut of Carlos for months and still haven't gotten around to it.