Nibbles Magoo

Have there been any male-focused genre movies that have come out around the same time which were similarly terrible?

She was pretty good in American Ultra! It's not her fault Max Landis wrote her dialogue.

Is this going to be the next hot take, defense of Twilight due to gender focus?

I've seen actual trailers for Hell Or High Water, so that's going to come out somewhere.

The S4 finale showed she was still alive, you see a reflection of her face somewhere in there.

I loved Season 1 with a passion, but Season 2 is pretty much retroactively ruined by one of the single worst season finale episodes I've ever seen and Season 3 is an unfocused mess that can't handle its cast at ALL.

It's not Outlaw Star. Mal is nothing like Gene, River is nothing like Melfina, Book is nothing like Suzuka, Jim is nothing like Kaylee, and Aisha is nothing like Jayne.

As someone who is rankled by the exact kind of Tumblr activists you just mentioned, that entire debacle was entirely on Whedon. He's the one who started throwing shade at Jurassic World based on a two-minute clip and waited for the adulation of the Sarkeesian drones, then got surprised when those same people looked at

It really depends on the movie. I just saw The Third Man the other day and other then the stagey-ness of some of the acting that movie could have been made ten years ago.

The William Peterson years are all still great. You can watch any of those and get a hyper-stylized, slightly stupid but very engaging procedural series.

Written by Reginald "House Party" Hudlin, who did more damage to the Black Panther name and character then every other writer combined.

Yeah, I guess I can't argue with that.

Please no, the Black Panther/Storm wedding is so fucking stupid.

That was a real "racing to the bottom" time for political thrillers.

Eh, it's much better but there's been little representation in big-budget material.

This this this times a million. As long as China is a big market for Hollywood film we're never going to get a big-budget film with an LGBT lead.


Who the fuck else is going to? The Martians?

I mean to be fair he basically written as a "Best Bro 4 Lyfe" character in the movie, which might be why I like their romance. They feel like a couple from a goofy indie rom-com more then a Disney TRUE LOVE pair, which is refreshing.