Nibbles Magoo

I do find it hilarious how Anna/Elsa is a big thing and Hans/either girl is also big, but Kristoff is basically the cast-off for the shippers.

I shut down the second people mention queer teen suicides in relation to pop culture. The casual mention of this in relation to "we need more of [x] because it could help suicidal teens" is such a distasteful manipulation and obvious sympathy point it honestly invalidates an entire article for me.

I'm bisexual, so does my opinion half-count? What percentage of queer do I have to be for my opinion to matter?

That must have one of the first things I saw him in, while also being confused as to why Sam Jackson had Sideshow Bob dyed red hair.

Martin Freeman in Civil War is a recent great example of this.

Along with a slow pull-out shot of Clooney and Roberts sitting in the edge of an ambulance and making jokes while cop cars surround the area?

The Negotiator is my favourite "this is on TV so now I have to watch it I guess" movie. I've seen it so many times and it's still fun.

The Trust as actually a really solid B movie. I'm not sure what the third-act "twist" was trying to go for, but for the most part it's a well-made little crime film with a nice layer of sleaze and two committed performances by its leads.

Narrative has never really been Whedon's strong suit. He's been a guy who's always written character-first, his plotting is usually fine but it's never been known for being complicated or dense, and when it tries to be you get the weird bits of Angel S4 trying to be nine things at once.

Was that the show with the lesbian ghost buddy?

Does anyone actually watch this show?

Apparently the UK ratings were terrible.

If you don't like the first, 2 and 3 are way better.

During the Zola scene in Winter Soldier it's pretty heavily implied to Cap that Bucky killed Howard Stark.

Nope. Apparently Thor 3 takes place concurrently to Civil War, and Hulk is a big part of that movie.

Isn't it literally just her exposed shoulders? Hardy scandalous.

It's fucking awesome man. No spoilers, but it's everything you want it to be.

You mean the world that loved John Wick to such a degree that Key and Peele made an entire semi-parody of it as an actual real-deal movie? That world who's moved on from vigilante justice stories?

If I had one overall issue with the series its' that the Sands storyline never really cohered into something solid. Colin Salmon is a gift from the gods but it felt like once they pulled the trigger on him being the "Big Bad" they never worked out how to characterize him in that role. I feel like maybe they shoudl

Alicia's brother felt like a character who they were ramping up to have a major storyline every couple seasons, but conflicting schedules basically had them write him off each time.