Nibbles Magoo

Zack and Grace as the Junior Detective Squad in the first couple seasons was all kinds of terrible, but honestly as the show went on I thought they developed pretty well as well-meaning if confused teens who were trying to find their identities. I know people were annoyed at Grace trying out all kinds of different

The Good Wife is a show littered with the bodies of characters who were written off with little fanfare.

Oh shit, someone else actually read The Losers?


The way they treat Bourne as some kind of espionage version of Keyser Soze is one of the best parts of these movies.

That's some prime-cut Walk Hard shit right there.

For a split second I thought that was a header picture of Rachel McAdams and my monocle almost popped out. I know True Detective Season 2 wasn't rapturously received, but she hasn't sunk to Lifetme low yet!

I feel like "insurance investigator" is an underused career choice for hard-bitten crime protagonists.

Hey dude, I love all those movies.

Totally. And that's not a bad thing.

It's a bit of a shame that Rachel isn't getting her own superhero franchise to play around with.

Guardians was a big-budget sci-fi spectacle picture. Widow's character can't support that kind of large storytelling by design.

The MCU has a certain level of expected superhero spectacle at this point. Ant-Man was reasonably small-time but a lot of that was just a straight comedy.

It's not like Hawkeye is getting a movie either.

Aww, I liked Ant-Man a lot!

You know, so many people on the Internet keep complaining about the MCU and how it's the end of cinema and the death of art and wondering when people are going to get tired of it.

It was a fascinating and mostly entertaining show, but INCREDIBLY messy. The ridiculous tough-guy dialogue and sprawling, meandering narrative worked as often as it failed. Either it gelled for you or it didn't, but I'm not going to begrudge people who shit on it for being a Tough Guy Antihero Prestige Show five years

They've been doing pretty alright recently. The Expanse, 12 Monkeys, Killjoys, that last season of Continuum. Someone at the channel is finally getting their shit together.

Prince of Darkness is a great first act built around not much else. I'm all for creeping cosmic horror, but watching Wang from Big Trouble trying to dig under a door for an hour is not my idea of bubbling suspense.

I'm jonesing for the Kingsman sequel already. I NEED IT NOW.