After Darker, My Sweet?
After Darker, My Sweet?
Well he did direct Perfect Stranger, so he already has experience in erotic thrillers with no sexuality and nonsensical plotting.
All true. It was the best plotline the show has had in a good, long time.
I appreciate that Scott Foley has entirely stopped giving a fuck to such a massive degree that his entire performance has become eating and talking with his mouth full of food at every point. If no one else cares, why should he?
I felt a little bad at how amusing I found a disabled guy hurling vicious sexual insults at Olivia being. The idea that Andrew was such a raging prick that even when he was confined to a wheelchair with a speaking impairment he was still calling Olivia a worthless whore was so incredibly offensive and weird that it…
This hasn't been highly-regarded since the early parts of Season 3.
I never understood why TFA having so much fan service was an inherently bad thing. Star Wars is a hodgepodge of George Lucas' nostalgia for the things he liked, the franchise doing it to itself seems only natural.
Fuck that, I want all sorts of bullshit Force powers that don't make any logical sense. Lucas stripped every shred of mysticism from the Force he could in the prequels, I want some goddamn magic back.
Ben Mendelsohn playing a Star Wars villain sounds fucking fantastic.
I feel bad for understanding and enjoying this joke.
Hardcore Henry looks dumb, but I totally get why someone would want to watch it and possibly even enjoy it.
Still one of the best bits Half In The Bag ever did.
"Said complaint letters lead him to connect with vending machine customer service rep Karen (Naomi Watts)"
Hey man, the Purge sequel was an awesome action movie, it's pretty much a Cannon Films production out of time.
I would pay good money to see an AVC reviewer try and untangle the knot of plotlines that was S2.
Both seasons have very slow early goings that explode around the episode 5-6 mark. They never really break hard from the cop cliches but at least they use they ones they have very well.
The first Purge movie actually brushes up against some interesting social ideas. Ethan Hawke basically sells overpriced, crappy security systems to everyone in his new neighborhood and all the old money families resent them for it, considering them glorified parasites who didn't "properly" earn their fortune. It's a…
THIS is what happened to the director of Rodger Dodger?
Believe me, as a Star Wars Expanded Universe fan I'm well-acquainted with Kevin J Anderson being the hack of the century. Every part of the universe he touched turned to ash, it's amazing that any writers got anything good out of his garbage foundations.