Nibbles Magoo

You would basically have to build entire cities out of scratch, considering nothing about Dune's architecture really correlates to anything on Earth.

Between a peak-pretty Kyle MacLachlan in a skin-tight rubber jumpsuit and Sting in a Namor codpiece this movie probably did a lot for a bunch of gay teenagers in the 80's.

The budget would make GoT look like peanuts by comparison.

It's enjoyably weird, and basically works as a sci-fi action-adventure on its own merits as long as you don't think about it too hard.

Not only continuity within itself, but continuity that bridged between Hercules too. Those shows were the original Arrow/The Flash setup.

A genre show, having actual bisexual characters? Now that IS funny.

"Sarcastically, I'm in charge!"

She wasn't raped, she was sexually assaulted. Two different things.

He's Olyfantastic in it.


Didn't you see The Revenant?

CBS is doing its' best to light Person of Interest on fire though, the ratings were in the toilet throughout a lot of S4.

Mine was Sister Act 2.

I don't remember the last time a drama series in general(much less a genre show) had this much respect for both the husband AND the wife leads of the show. They’re actually co-leads, and both of them are going through arcs of equal merit and weight in the story.

Give him a shave and a haircut and we'll talk.

It also helps that U2 is probably bigger in Europe then in the USA, and Taken was co-written and produced by Luc Besson and had a French director.

New Police Story gets a partial merit for how hilariously maudlin it is. There's been plenty of jokes made about Asian film's penchant for excessive melodrama even in dumb action movies, but NPS takes it to a new level.

The best part of First Strike is how the ending is pretty much the final sequence of French Connection 2 with a motorcycle in it.

I'm not saying teens nowadays can't enjoy U2 or anything, but to present it as a "Oh those kids and their rock music" moment was fucking hilarious.

Luke Bracey's really not doing too well for himself, huh? First Point Break and now this.