Nibbles Magoo

The Informant felt like Soderbergh's grotesque fun-house mirror version of the conventional biopic and "true story" Oscar bait. It's a movie that starts as a genial if silly and fun real-life dramedy and eventually reveals itself to be the ramblings of a dangerous and sociopathic criminal lying to anyone and anything

I've seen more of Judging Amy then I care to admit, so yeah I get exactly what you're saying.

Am I right about it? This is all my thoughts just seeing the ads.

Metro is dumb as bricks, but there's some damn solid action in there and Wincott is a pretty great sleazy action movie villain.

I think you mean Noah Solloway, Bad Boy of American Literature.

I totally forgot he was in Damages until you reminded me.

Peter Facinelli is one of those guys who's never really managed to break out into a major role on film or TV. I feel like there's a string of dead series with his name on the marquee, which is a shame because he's actually a solid actor and deserves to be known for more then "The patriarch from Twilight."

He was for a brief period in the 90's, and was great every time even in goofy nonsense like Metro.

Michael Wincott equals instant watch for me, and I'm glad to see that Mike shares the same love for him as I do. Anyone who hasn't seen "Gunshy" is missing out on a seriously underrated little 90's crime drama starring him and William Peterson.

I used to watch the reruns of the first 4 seasons or so a LOT on USA as time-filler.

Everything about it looks like a late-90's West Wing-lite network filler show.

Or Sergeant RedMeat McKillenstein!

Man, I never thought I'd see a fellow Greatest Movie Ever fan on here.

Good point, actually.

I feel like this is what would happen if James Ellroy wrote The Wolf of Wall Street.

I understand why most Best Picture winners are stately dramas, feel-good adventures or dark technical experiments like The Revanent. It's what the Academy veers towards and most often are usually the best films of the year.

If you watch Blindspot and Limitless it's uncanny how close the former feels like the latter's parodies of crime shows.

It's nothing like PoI, that's a hard comparison to make honestly.

I think Rebecca is the clearest example of Sweeney's Elementary background. Like Gregson, Bell and Watson, she's the sidekick of a supergenius who's hyper-competent in her won way and doesn't just play sidekick to the hero. The CJC are an elite team of federal agents and are written as such, just because Finch is a

I've always thought the movie was super underrated so I'm not surprised the show succeded. That movie has such a weird and distinctive visual style that basically transposing it to TV worked out well, and the cast are all great.