Nibbles Magoo

I'm seein' double! Two responses!

I did appreciate Franco's little laugh at the Nixon campaign poster. Just a nice moment of humanizing comedy.

It does on the AV Club.

She's the best part of Gotham not called Bullock.

I'm a big fan of Dead Man's Christ for how bug-eyed nuts it is, but At World's End rivals the last Matrix movie for how many ways it bungles the endings of every individual storyline.

But can he hack the Gibson?


You guessed it, Frank Stallone!

Just wait for my For Your Consideration article about how socially progressive Jabberjaw was.

The answer is Hanna-Barbera cartoons were hot, steaming plates of garbage.

Hello darkness my old friend…

How about we just watch the Josie and the Pussycats movie again?

Because getting the producer who makes tiny-budget horror and thriller movies with guaranteed returns is clearly the best choice for a Jem movie.

Sega Genisys was stupid, but I could at least enjoy parts of it on a "All my Terminator action figures are fighting each other" way and appreciate Jason Clarke's underrated performance as John.

I appreciate that 50 Shades hasn't killed Dakota Johnson's career like I thought it would. It's not her fault she was the 768'th choice down on the Hollywood Rolodex for Anastasia.

Making fun of the fact that a lot of models are androgynous-looking does not make a movie "transphobic."

Knock Knock was dumb as rocks, but at least Roth played the gender politics as bizarre sitcom shenanigans instead of anything we had to take seriously.

Daniel Way managed to ruin it pretty hardcore.

Actually, the script was originally written about a decade ago and has only had minor alterations. So you're not that off.

Between Ken Marino and Garry Shandling the MCU loves to put comedians in strange positions of power.