Nibbles Magoo

Lucy makes for a good antagonist, I hope they keep her around for more then a couple episodes.

It's nice that Sam was actually Sam this episode, not a love-struck doof.

Considering this season is wandering in circles until the final storyline decides to show up, this is a mercy killing.

You'd THINK that, but it turned out Julianna's dead muskrat wig wanted a salary increase they couldn't spare.

That movie is VERY underrated, you should check it out.

The had a decently-sized part in The Man From UNCLE.

That sounds about right.

I enjoyed Morning Glory probably more then I should have.

All I remember about Shadow Conspiracy is Charlie Sheen having to fight a tiny toy helicopter with actual machine-guns on it at the very end.

That BWEEEE sound is iconic at this point.

I am uncomfortably excited about this movie. It might actually be my most-anticipated action film of the year.

No, one of the nice things about the show is the on-location NY shooting. Adds a nice dash of authenticity to a pretty silly show.

The Player was fun but was never going to survive on a big-boy network. That was a USA show if I've ever seen one.

The best part is how he just has his Ray Liotta leather jacket on the entire film even though it makes no fucking sense in context.

It's nice to have a male character who is comfortably bisexual on a network series. Liotta's little speech last episode was pretty good.

The twist at the end of the movie relies on so many coincidences that it might have actually made more sense if there were actual devil worshippers.

This honestly would have been a way better movie if it had actually been about a Stantic conspiracy murder cult then the "realistic" take the movie tries to go fir. The only times this movie comes to life are the brief sections of paranoia-thriller intensity that show how much better it would have been if it wasn't so

It doesn't help that this has one of Hawke's worst performances. He tries to go for intense and gritty but mostly comes off as sleepy.

It's a perfectly entertaining B-show that is just simple and cleanly told enough to work.

The dirty cops are "nicer" in that they're generally good people just trying to do their job in a tough town instead of outright Vic Mackey lunatics.