The Carl's Jr. version of The Americans.
The Carl's Jr. version of The Americans.
It's wholly unoriginal, but for basically being a stew of a bunch of other TV shows it's actually pretty fun and Holloway is a good time.
A appreciate the Larry Fessenden Renaissance. He seems to be showing up in bit character actor parts everywhere or writing for video games like Until Dawn, and it's cool to see.
Absolutely this too.
Is BAIT any good? My enjoyment of Antoine Fuqua is tempered by my general distaste for Jamie Foxx, I'm kind of hesitant to watch it.
Which then hard-cuts to the final scene, AKA No One Learns Anything, The Villains Win, And Fuck You.
There's a point in Ladykillers where Marlon Wayons yells "You brought your BITCH to the WAFFLE HUT?" at JK Simmons.
My mom got the book for me as a semi-joke when it came out and all I realized was how much more entertaining and clever the Jane Austen parts were then the zombie bits, which was pretty suprising to a 17 year old who had absolutely zero interest in "girly" literature at that point.
I don't think you could argue that Timur Bekmekatov has ever taken anything seriously in his entire career.
I HATED Lebowski the first time I watched it. I thought it was a dull, self-important mess. Then I rewatched it something like a month later and was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.
"Everybody eats berries!"
Is there a more misanthropic major studio comedy from the past 20 years? I love BAR, but the bone-deep cynicism can make it hard to watch sometimes.
Every time someone cries at a wedding in a movie I always think of Clooney's assistant bawling his eyes out in Intolerable Cruelty.
Everett is KILLING it as Frost. She's bringing depth to a character that could really have come off as a Mommy Dearest-style harridan nightmare, but instead is a genuinely flawed but fascinating villain. It's nice that the MCU TV shows are taking the time to develop the villains in the ways that the movies aren't,…
Hawke has the strange mix of being both unbearably pretentious and hilariously self-deprecating. It's a strange mix I've never been able to figure out, same with Stallone.
I think what would have taken that movie from a fantastic 4/4.5 stars to a perfect five would be cutting out the Fizzle Bomber "action" scenes. Ethan Hawke karate-fighting a guy in a bad wig isn't really necessary for the story.
Hawke and Hoffman are so goddamn good in that movie. I'm still surprised that Lumet went out with such a self-consciously stylized movie. It's a rare director who experiments like that in their old age, but it absolutely worked.
Daybreakers feels like a World of Darkness campaign that someone turned into a script.
Wait, they're delaying Limitless for a week just when the show was really getting its serialized groove on?