Nibbles Magoo

STOKER and SNOWPIERCER at least had the advantages of feeling like artistic projects, THE LAST STAND felt like a studio movie that Kim was stuck with and struggled to get any say in. It's entirely unexceptional outside of Peter Stormare's hilarious Mexican accent.

Watch any shit mid-90's/early '00s gay rom-com(that being ALL OF THEM) and you have a good chance of finding one.

Plenty come out, they're all just direct-to-video and star Michael Madsen.

I liked Wanted and Salt!

Oh man, that was so good. I had no idea Gleeson could ham that hard.

Well the great thing about The Force Awakens was that EVERY character was the breakout character. I can't remember the last time an entire cast was so whole-heartedly embraced by the public, every new major character is loved in a different way.

Dustin Hoffman was in MEET THE FOCKERS and THE COBBLER, his hands are hardly clean.

I'd rather they didn't bother, if only because 99% of the time those characters are just the wives of the men and spend all their screen-time crying and staring out into the middle distance instead of mattering to any aspect of the film.

Or a character from a Dirty Dozen knockoff.

I REALLY liked that Fright Night remake. I went in with zero expectations and ended up having a really good time outside of the terrible CGI.

Pine is too intense and weird to fall into the hot bland guy roster. His works with Carnahan and even crappy comedies like Horrible Bosses 2 show his natural charisma off well.

And Robert Pastorelli, in case anyone ever wanted to see Eldin from Murphy Brown in multiple extended action scenes.

Dean reading and responding to the daughter's poetry almost had me doing a spit-take.

Definitely a teenage HBO "classic" for me back in the day.

Mean Guns is the fucking bomb IV, and I say this as someone who hates 98% of Pyun's output.

If you want some good Clarke Peters he has an excellent single-scene monologue in London Spy.

The answer is always Tuff Turf.

I didn't dislike Trip or anything, but the AoS writers never did shit with him and once Hunter was part of the team he basically replaced him in the cast.

It was impactful only in that it showed how far gone Simpson was. I can understand why people would be a little annoyed that the second old black guy death in the Netflix MCU was just to show how crazy a villain was, ala Urich in Daredevil.

Trip dies because he was a narrative fifth wheel. It had nothing to do with race, if that character were white he would have been killed off for being pointless just the same.