
Time Warner Cable in the LA area, they aired Last Man Standing at 8, and "The Ballad of.." at 8:30. WTF

What's with the hashtags?

Ummm, who says Janelle Monae is straight?

Nina Flowers won Ms Congeniality the first season I learned through a quick wiki-search (my memory is holier than swiss cheese), but I'm not sure if the rules have changed since.

Hmmm, someone thinks she can weasel her way into Ms. Congeniality. Puhhh-lease.

@avclub-330e1ecc0a25a73f7a255cc57f8129b7:disqus According to the Spin article a couple weeks ago, the queens are only allowed one cocktail backstage.

Debbie Downer moment: Last night's episodes hit a new ratings low. Imagine that ABC, an adult comedy moved to Friday nights is losing viewers.

Dirty Horse Blankie is the best thing I have ever heard on this show.

Beth Adone was serving a much younger, cuter, Alan Cumming.

The black ladies don't have their own reliable modes of transportation?

If my memory is correct, he's kissed at least a couple before this. This one seemed the most awkward and face-smashy as pointed out by others.

This was me 18 years ago when they cancelled My So-Called Life.

Just go to any decent gay bar with a decent drag night anywhere in America and you are bound to find at least half a dozen queens who would fit perfectly on the show. I'm certainly not worried about a drought of talented queens.

I was watching the episode at the local gay dive, and not one person had any idea who Aubrey Whatever was.

Am I the only one who CANNOT get the runway music out of their head?

I had never noticed it before, but there were some shots of Amanda in this episode where she is serving some serious Alyssa Edwards out-of-drag. realness.

Epic episode, looks like everything has been covered in these comments. What's the opposite of R.I.P.? Writhe In Agony? Well, W.I.A. "Rolaskatox" and the Coco/Alyssa "Feud." (Over/Under on when Coco/Alyssa resume their shenanigans, I say during next week's main challenge.)

Knowing many people who have worked in the annals (pun intended) of reality television over the years, your take is most likely 100% accurate. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

The point I was trying to make is why it takes a national television show with the promise of a cash prize for some of these parents to film their tearful confessions of acceptance. I know Untucked has nothing to do with the prize, you missed the point.

Maybe I'm just a jaded bitch, but does the sudden acceptance and outpouring of love from the contestant's mothers and fathers on Untucked have anything to do with the potential $100,000 prize. Sorry, but that's all I can think about when I see these tearful confessions. Like I said, my heart is black and tiny.