Holland Oates

What's her man got to do with me?

Oh, nice. TBA is playing. Love them!


Yep. But just here in this thread. Because Disqus.

Does this work today?

It's film review. A good joke or a nicely shot sequence could bump something from D+ to C-, for me anyway. Takeaway is that Dowd doesn't think this movie is good.

I don't know what to … EXPECT

He tried to go in early and got tuned up by security and arrested.

You can call me Al … Swearengen

Sun Tzu 2: Enter the Green Guys

Stuart Ullman's office? No, it simply can't exist in that hotel. Because of Kubrick's hilarious phallic jokes, or something.

A man wants a roll. No, a man has changed his mind.

Bamfy and Clyde?

A girl has no name.

So I stole a sample, and it was wrong. I made a bad call, White Hinderland. A bad call.

Would someone please give this man a Fastball Special?

If you're in a bar watching a game, do you get upset at other people in the bar discussing the game? Did that Battlefield 1 trailer bring back bad memories?

I read this post, so you can list me as a reference.

I watched the first episode. Not offensive, but definitely inessential.

It's my dream that someone like HBO does a Planetary series. It's so episodic for a lot of the run that I think it would be very approachable. But they would have to leave in those very occasional and vague references to the Wildstorm universe as little Easter eggs to us nerds.