John Batmanov

Yeah, I've been listening to this for weeks, and I fully expected it to be received warmly. It doesn't really bother me that MGMT don't seem sure what kind of band they are. That lack of definition allows them to basically try anything, which is what they seem to be doing here. But while it doesn't always yield

I'm sorry
but this is the most boring and un-hilarious use of velociraptors by the internet I've seen. No "Great Job, Internet" for Philosoraptor???

I have a little 4 year old cousin who's into Batman and Star Wars and is basically kind of a genius (I swear to God he taught himself how to read) and who I would totally want to hang out with regularly if he wasn't only 4. Anyway, I want to kill his fucking parents for putting him in Crocs.

I was just finishing her part……………..yknow?

I also got into a pretty heated fued with another kid over whether it was just "da ba de da ba di", as I thought, or "if I were green I would die". I always knew I was fuckin right.

Poophat, your Statler and Waldorf laugh pleases me.

Seen And Not Seen is, in every conceivable way, the shit.

He's obviously referring to "Find the Fish".

Me three.

I hate to completely ignore all the posts that have been written since mine, but I will to report that yeah, weed didn't help that much. Just made me wish I were watching the Svankmajer version.

I was rooting for Joel to win that pool game until they started getting naked. Then I just got jealous of his ridiculous physique and started angrily rooting for Sean Hunter's dad.

Yep, that's my plan.

Agreed about Hurt Locker being way light on narrative. Plus, the whole main point the movie seems to be driving at is summarized pretty nicely already with that opening quote, and while the "war as drug" angle is interesting, I don't think it's a strong enough concept on its own to base an entire movie on. It should

It bothers me that Avatar and Hurt Locker are considered the frontrunners. Neither of them were really all that great IMHO. But if, say, Inglourious Basterds (my personal pick, although I've yet to see all the nominees) or really anything else wins, it'll just be chalked up to Avatar and Hurt Locker splitting the vote.

The Hater
or Amelie Gillette's Cleverly Snarky Question-And-Answer-Formatted Quip of the Day*

Every time "Closing Time" comes on in a public place, I and everyone around me can't help professing our unconditional love for it.

Yeah, I'm with Reginald. But eh, I guess someone had to do it.

Yeah, I enjoyed parts of Red Son (see if you can guess which ones!), but all his other stuff I've read ranges from just OK to terrible. It's pretty impressive that his original "Wanted" is even more unbearable than the movie about assassins taking orders from blankets.

to George Lopez in anything.

The Man Of Steel
Are they going with Mark Millar's idea of the three Superman epics that begin with the destruction of Krypton and end with Superman as the last person on Earth, watching the sun supernova? Cause that would be cool. I mean, as long as Mark Millar isn't actually writing it. Good idea, though.