John Batmanov

My biggest problem with John Mayer
was that he was just too damn clever. Which is why I'm glad to hear him apologize for all his rampant cleverness over the years. It's good to know he's figured out why so many people don't like him: he just can't stop being clever.

Not long-term, "real" love, I guess, but even his accquisition of superficial, temporary love irks me to no end.

Benjamin Braddock easily. He starts out irritatingly awkward in all possible situations, then slowly morphs into an asshole.

But what about Sam Rockwell?!?!?!
Tis a shame. But hey, District 9's nominated!

Fuck, Louise beat me by one minute…

Don't wanna rake all the leaves off your driveway?
Just hose it off, dummy!

…is all I could come up with.

In addition to Russian and Batman, I am also Australian.

Raptor-Dog Cyborgs
Is Joe Johnston planning on filming the script where they create a task force of super intelligent raptor cyborgs with a little dog DNA thrown in for loyalty? Because that certainly would be a new direction.

Just can't get into it
No matter how many times I listen to it, it just doesn't click with me. I can understand why people like it and recognize its strong points, but it just doesn't interest me at all. Maybe I need to try fucking to it.

Mickey Rourke
Didn't understand a single thing he said in this trailer. Still looks amazing, although I'm still deeply uncertain about the constant use of AC/DC.

Agreed, Danus. What's annoying isn't his banter, which is sort of charmingly forgettable, but that People magazine considers this to be an actual story somehow.

As someone who has never seen these Snooki-punching promos, bust has seen the show enough (once) to know how much I hate her, I'm gravely disappointed that the video was not featured in this article.

so little love for Embryonic? Even if you don't think it's the best album of the year (which I do) surely it deserves a little more attention At least as much as the decent but ridiculously overrated Merriweather Post Pavilion, I should think.

Nicholas Cage deserves recognition for Adaptation for not only turning in a great performance, but doing it while being Nicholas Cage.

I think
the technique creates the sense of an omniscient and completely cold, objective point of view. As we see the events unfold, it creates a sense of hoplessness as we watch these characters that we've become invested in joke with each other like regular people, and then abruptly fall victim to a brutal attack

I was just on the verge of giving this a reluctant chance, and then I see this new trailer. It looks (or mostly sounds) quite a bit worse than I had thought. I don't think even DDL can save this. I'll stick with 8 1/2.

Did this just come out today?
If so, I look forward to the week or so ahead of listening to this fine album before the inevitable Real Estate backlash.

Up is all over that shit.

I'm glad to live in a world where millions of dollars are dedicated to depicting an aircraft carrier crushing the fucking White House as realistically as possible.