John Batmanov

If you have to shoot
don't talk, shoot.


er, audio clips.

does anyone else get no video clips on this page? What the fuck?

I've never really been sure why…
but my soul is just full of hatred for Mary J. Blige. I just don't want her to ever prosper or succeed in anything, and her continued success is a source of great bafflement and frustration to me.

Better Idea
Tim Burton handles the production design, moster effects, etc. and they bring in an actual director.

I dig the Silver Apples sampling on the last track.

This guy
sounds cool.

Will this band be interesting to me when I'm in my 30's?
Because I could see and would accept that.

I was kinda disappointed that it wasn't the original.

It's hilarious if you imagine it in Ron Swanson's voice.

Hey, speaking of Superjail!,
…when's that shit coming back? You can only get stoned to the same 11 episodes for so long.

Aw damn, guess not.

Done and done.

Sam Worthington
I thought he had a promising career of competent acting ahead of him when he was easily the least shitty thing about "Terminator: Salvation". Too bad he seems to have used up all his good acting in a mediocre Terminator sequel.

Bottles wins.

Never heard the term "rockblock" before…

Agreed on Red Son of course. Other than that, he can be pretty unbearable. I think Kick-Ass works mainly because his dialogue sounds much more believable coming from some dumb kids.

Could it be???
Oh man, what should I say????

Well, I guess if you thought Oracular Spectacular was a "once in a generation" album like The Quietus does, it would make sense that you wouldn't dig this album a whole lot. It's pretty ridiculous to say that it doesn't qualify as any kind of pop music though. It's not like it's competely impenetable and confounding.