
Britta's response about understanding because she lived in New York may have been the funniest of the night for some reason.

My brother started his high school graduation speech with this quote. It was awesome.

Ooh I got my first downvote!

Yeah, I was surprised by the reaction it got. It felt like a return to form for me. It and herstory of dance were the ones I enjoyed before I gave up on season 4. Ah well.

So did they completely leave out the skin-changer guy? I remember liking him.

I suspect I took the same class, although I don't remember him putting a screening together.

Class of 2011. We probably passed each other in the halls at some point.

I went there. Call it whatever you want. Also we have no more aimless radical angst than any other school, although that may have been different in the 60's.

Chet Manley?

Totally irrelevant, but is anyone having trouble reading AVC on their phones? The comments are getting overlapped with the articles, and it makes them both unreadable. Add it to the new discus pile I guess.

Ok, I'll bite. What's the TI?

Can someone who's followed the behind the scenes more than me explain why Whedon isn't running it week to week? I don't know of anything else he has going.

Yeah, I'm really surprised by all the Serenity love on the AV club. It felt like reading a wikipedia summary of a hypothetically awesome season of TV that might have been.

In one of the special features, I think he specifically says that the American Civil War was an influence. I think it was less the ideology though, and more the "now what" feeling that would come with being a confederate true believer after the war.

Beat me to it.

I loved that line. That almost seemed like the showrunners making a bit of a comment on themselves or on their fandom.

Eh, what's one more?

That confused me though. Didn't Walt use Lilly of the Valley on Brock? Why did he lift the ricin? Just so Jessie didn't have it?

Probably over-analyzing a pretty light-hearted story, but isn't Walter a terrible businessman? He's constantly pushing his luck and then having to get out of it through a combination of violence and dumb luck. He could have cooked for Gus, but he had to push out Gail to have everything exactly his way. He get things

She's always had her detractors.