
@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus A simple joke that made me laugh like a delighted five year old. Thank you.

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I dunno.  It seems a shame for Whedon to be making something by a lesser writer rather than doing something original.

Sounds dull.

Damn, I'm surprised there's anyone here. I thought everyone would be reading newbie rage.

Now why do you think the Sunnydale magic shop is this cheap?


So this way we have it. It's good to have it.

Yeah, that seems to be the consensus. They just felt lighter and more fun to me.


Interesting. I really liked Maeby's whole arc. It fit her, it was funny, and I wish it got more screen time.

We're getting too old for this shit.

Would you consider trying to win someone over as "being an asshole about it" or only arguing in a smug/douchey way?

Would you consider trying to win someone over as "being an asshole about it" or only arguing in a smug/douchey way?

While I can't speak to the other two as I don't know much about them, I know that Maher bugs the crap out of me. He's smug, dismissive, thoughtless, and obnoxious.

While I can't speak to the other two as I don't know much about them, I know that Maher bugs the crap out of me. He's smug, dismissive, thoughtless, and obnoxious.

Fangs. I'm clumsy enough as it is without heavy tusks getting snagged on things.

Oh, thank you. I think I screwed up the line a bit, but that scene always makes me laugh. TWW is awesome.

Jesus Christ, you guys are coming up on 125k!  Anyway, what do you think of community minus Pierce? I know a 5th season isn't likely, but assuming all else goes well in the post Harmon world, it seems like it could work out ok. He kind of became more one-note as time went on, and maybe it'll make the show a little

Yeah, that came up at the same talk where Harmon played the answering machine message. I don't know if it counts as an arc, but it would have been a nice moment.