
For what it's worth, I know Berkeley pretty well. There are, I am sure, no shortage of students throwing hissy fits and talking about normalization. However the people throwing bottles and setting fires are unlikely to be primarily students. Berkeley has a lot of homeless anarchists without much to do, and things like

In any number of scenarios.


That's not a legal issue. They just physically gag whenever they think about it.

She shows up in the background of the 2007 flashback at some point.

Walnut theft is a major problem in parts of California.

Oh come on. He's not that big.

How is Crank 2 not a masterpiece of cinema?

Let us not go to Dorne. 'Tis a silly place.

Jacqueline raising her arms as the wasps all walked away had to be a Night King reference right? Or is that just me?

I don't log in very often and am probably a bit late, but I gave notice yesterday and will be starting a new and hopefully better job in December. Yay for no longer being temp.

"Are you being sarcastic?"

I just saw this and as the review suggests…it's not great. It's weirdly paced, there's jokes that don't land, and it handles touchy international issues with all the nuance that one expects from the phrase "Seth Rogen movie." That said, I recommend it. It's loud, brazen, Katy Perry blaring, puppy in a firefight, throw

No, it's based on the fact that much of Santa Ana looks a bit like Mexico and is 80+% Latino. That's why it's funny to me as a Santa Ana native. Irvine or Newport is the image that everyone has of Orange County.

I don't know if this is pride exactly, but I've always loved the Arrested Development joke where Buster gets out in Santa Ana and thinks he's in Mexico. I suppose it's funny if you don't know the area, but growing up here it's hilarious. Not all of Orange county is whiny rich people at the beach dammit! (Ok, a lot of

Only if they're voicing those opinions at work in a disruptive way. Mozilla guy was fired for a private political donation, and Sterling for a stolen recording. That's your private politics.

My bad. I'm from California and it's a protected class here. That said, it's not beside the point. If someone is from a protected class, you can't fire them, even if it loses you money. You couldn't fire an minority candidate, for instance, just because your customers were racist.

Sigh. Ok, here goes.

I think there's a case to be made for both. I love the balls out insanity of the Avengers. But the best part of the Iron Man movies for me is the first half hour of the first movie where Tony is fighting real human beings for real stakes with scraps he threw together. I think I'd prefer a full movie of "Tony Stark

I dunno. I really enjoyed Master and Commander, but found Drive really boring.