

Damn, you beat me to it.

Oh yeah, it's definitely inconsistent but I'm a sucker  for a good brains-as-computers story. Also, far fewer teenage characters. I get it's not everyone's thing though.

I'm just gonna say it, I like Dollhouse better than Buffy. You may commence stoning me now.

I knew what it was going to be as soon as you posted it and still enjoyed it immensely.

As a huge Whedon fan myself, I think him getting mainstream credibility (as well as ridiculous amounts of money) is only for the good. I'd be sad if he announced his intention to become a full time blockbuster director, but at the moment I'm just hoping his credibility gets him another series. Even better would be if

Re-posted TVBTN comment:

I've heard this criticism a couple places and it confuses me. Yeah, ok, her pistols aren't hammers that shoot lightning but aren't they still stronger than a damn bow and arrow?

Did you see eagles?

It was remarkably similar to a West Wing episode as well, but I doubt it was intentional.

Yeah, the funeral/riot was definitely lacking in greendale regulars.

The back half of season 3 has been kind of disappointing me, but  I think this episode restored my faith. I need to rewatch it, but the jokes were quick and clever (especially in the beginning) and the end was just bittersweet enough without going overboard in either direction.

This is really awesome you guys. Totally missed this.

The hula-hooping last week was gold.

Dollhouse is one of my favorites but also the one I'm least likely to recommend to someone.

Pollos and SG beat me to the punch, but I had a similar reaction when going from book 1 to book 2. I think the characters are strong enough to keep it grounded though.

Out of curiosity, what bothers you about it?

When it came off of hiatus there were rumors on IMDB and Reddit about the return date that turned out to be correct. Has anyone who's better at the internet than me heard anything?


So, let's all move to Mexico guys?