
I'm gonna take likes for permission. The lyrics basically consist of singing "He's got pussy fever…pussy fever" over and over. The joke isn't so much the lyrics themselves as it is picturing the composer. The idea is there is some guy out there who's dream it is to write songs like daybreak (basically elevator music)

They're pretty funny but probably not as good as you're imagining. I can tell you what they are if you don't mind me breaking the code of Harmon-town. I swear it won't start a shitstorm.

Also, a flawed hero is a lot harder to pull off in a character based show. Something with more action or broad comedy can fall back on other assets, but on Girls she has to stay, if not likable, then at least relatable.

Again, I don't think it's the privilege so much as the entitlement. If your parents are willing and able to help you out that's a great thing, but don't take if for granted and don't pick the least lucrative career path on the planet.

Sorry, I don't mean to pile on. I've been reading the comments on the Girls pilot page and I think you're in the right. I enjoy that she's not a caricature like so many entitled characters are. They have their work cut out for them going forward though to keep the balance right.

I think I like the West Wing too much for any political show to measure up. Also, I've heard a lot of people comparing Veep to Curb Your Enthusiasm which I could never get into.

I watched the pilots for both Girls and Veep today (thanks to whoever posted the youtube link.) They both seem like they have a lot of potential but I'm not sold on either yet. They both seem a bit low on jokes and maybe a touch self-satisfied. Girls definitely had stronger characters though, and it looks like it


That's how I interpreted it.

What Scotty said basically. It's not earth-shattering or anything. It's just a funny and sweet Shirley moment.

I love how getting pizza instead of driving to the fancy fast food place qualified as a victory for Shirley, and that our understanding of her character is strong enough that we laugh with her instead of at her.

I need help reacting to something.

I really loved the music callback in the Annie and Abed-Jeff scene. We know that their relationship has turned out unhealthy at best, but it calls us back to a time when it seemed promising. It was completely inappropriate for the scene we were watching, but had fit well at one time. The  awkwardness made it

I just took it as random "old person thinks they're in the past" joke on hospital shows, but that's a cool connection.

Hooray! Dicks all around.

I've given blood twice and almost passed out both times. I really like the idea of it, but I've stopped because it doesn't seem to be good for me. I still get calls though, and feel like a huge dick for saying no to the Red Cross.


Fine, you've shamed me into being less lazy.

I'm way too lazy to get an icon if that helps.

I'm curious what you guys thought of the Winger speech and the reaction to it at the end. Was being shameless presented in a positive light, a negative one, or ambiguously? Is it a human mirror?