
I know it's not concept, but I thought foosball was amazing. It's no RCT though I admit.

Good luck dude.

Cool. Sorry I was slow to the draw. I took a fair amount of economics courses if you need help in the future.

Companies produce where Marginal Revenue=Marginal Cost. If the price=$50, then they'll produce up to the point where marginal cost=$50. Let me know if this helps.

SOA was actually good for the first two seasons, and in season two I actually had hopes for greatness. It's been going downhill since though, and the season 4 finale was shark-jumping territory. I have a friend who also watches it and we used to talk about episodes as soon as we'd seen them. Independently neither of

Very interesting. I hope they're wrong about the cancellation though.

I know this is going to get me crucified here, but I think it's meandering, dull, and overrated.

Every one of you will be President of the United States!

NBC links all of it's Community related videos on its website into one continuous playlist. If I open one and leave them running in the background or when I leave the house, does anyone know if it helps the show's chances? Or does it only make money if I click on ads?

I like this response, but I would feel kind of cheated if Jeff suddenly decided he didn't want to be a lawyer anymore. I could see him not defining himself through it, but he clearly likes it still. If he quit or started doing environmental law he wouldn't be Jeff.

I keep spamming it and it keeps not moving. I know I'm canceling out walking dead votes but dammit it's frustrating.

Seeing as they had a battle, I was really hoping Professor Omar would make an appearance. Ah well.

I don't remember it word for word, but her letter about protecting Troy from Britta and weed was hysterical.

I think the West Wing gang would be fun.

I wish…


My AVC name gets "promiscuous protestah" which I like a lot.

I got "loose-lipped controller." I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Well played.

Switching to bricks.