
Basically a big, dark boxy room with folding chairs and a small stage.

A like just won't do it. This is awesome

Fair point, but somehow this bothered me more than other episodes. Maybe it's because I thought the jokes fell a bit flat in that section too, but as childish as Annie was when, say, keeping everyone stuck in the study room for the bottle episode this crossed a line others didn't for me.

Did the Jeff-Annie plot bother anyone else? It seemed like retread for Jeff and made Annie come off as kind of unlikable. Annie has had amazing episodes with basically everyone else in the group, and it sucks she always seems to get paired with Jeff lately.

The pillow may be a better survival choice though. Despite their noted value in fort building, nobody has a blanket fight. Pillows have been proving their combat mettle for decades.

Yeah, agreed. I really cringed at that line.

I kind of wonder if Chevy knows that happened yet. Harmontown isn't big and this is the first I've heard of it online.

By his account it was most of the crew. It was at a party thrown for them. I don't know if the cast was involved or not.

At the time, Chevy still had to come back in for some voice recording so Dan was focused on getting him to do that.

I was at the Harmontown where this happened and he has it right. Later in the message Chevy also threatened to "not return for season 3" and Dan had a lot of fun joking about what Chevy actually thought he was shooting. They apparently came to an uneasy truce by text after this though, but I don't remember the exact

Your high school has a "This Week in Douchbaggery." That would never have flown at my school. Congrats.

Wow, that went from conversation to speech really fast. I would gladly listen to Dan Harmon rant for much longer though.

I think this is a career where that insecurity is an asset.

A "like" just isn't going to cut it. This is awesome.

Thanks SBT. Did anyone else have this problem though? It seems like they leaned on this type of humor a lot more heavily than in past episodes.

I'm probably a lot less pop culture savvy than the average AV club commenter, but did anyone else have trouble with the references tonight? They've always had reference humor, but it's usually a minor to moderate share of the jokes. Tonight it felt like most of them. I think there were a lot of things that make this a

I really agree on the reference stuff. I was completely lost on a lot of them.

I sort of enjoy seeing the line between "concept" and "normal" blur. It allows the writers to use conceptual elements without having to do an entire concept episode. Having the entire foosball episode as anime would have been hacky and unnecessary but for a few seconds it heightened the absurdity and emotions of the

Just walk away man is great. His delivery is just the perfect amount of annoyed.

It may have a bit of an inflated reputation, but Southern California is far from the worst place in the world.