Woah, woah. Pistols at dawn for insulting my homeland. Lates.
Woah, woah. Pistols at dawn for insulting my homeland. Lates.
I'm not in favor of any particular pair but I think the show has done too much will they/won't they with too many pairs not to try to show some actual romantic pairing. This could be an anti-relationship in the manner of Jeff/Britta or even just a date/relationship that becomes a disaster, but if they keep raising the…
I also enjoyed that Jeff's turtleneck line involved messing with Troy. I don't think we're done seeing them compete.
I disagree, but those are fair points. I was referring specifically to the surrealist stuff like anime, batman Abed, and the slot machine which I think are good compromises between normal and concept.
It's ok, I know that creepiness is how the internet expresses affection.
Hello AV Club. I've been lurking Community threads for awhile and enjoying the many reasonable discussions. In honor of the end of the hiatus I thought I'd finally join.