
Jesus, seems like I'm itching to see most everything.

Bye Nabin! You never got to do the back-to-back of Josie and the Pussycats + Down with Love (the latter a big favorite of mine) that you once briefly wrote me about in an email, but that's ok! Unless I missed it—totally possible. Tell us on Twitter where you'll be.

Welcome, sir!

I think it's refreshing that this version appears to be set in the milieu Shakespeare wrote it in, versus, say in an Japanese fishing village right before the onset of WWII

Oh no. But you're one of the original guys! We'll miss you! I first came to the AV Club because Mike D'Angelo recommended your movie reviews on his website. So my initial reason for coming to AVC, which is my home on the web—no site comes close—is gone!

Count me in the "I DON'T like Anne Hathaway" camp. She comes off as incredibly fake and yes, that's enough to dislike a Hollywood star. Did nobody see her Jon Stewart interview? I really wanted to like her, because I don't want her presence to detract from any more movies I see—but no. She's the anti Jennifer

Have you read the short story on which it was based? Some creepy greatness.

They're so cute. C'mon, everyone admit it, they are

So I looked at the photo above without reading the caption and thought "well, I can imagine him as a Nazi, but don't think he looks very convincing as Pope."

Hey, doesn't anyone remember that scene in Mars Attacks when Lisa Marie came sneaking up on Martin Short? I thought that was legitimately scary and hilarious. Mars Attacks was pretty great.

That's too bad. I would have wanted to see them live too, but at no time in their history did they even come close to visiting my part of the world. A bit of a shame that they're remembered as an insubstantial 80's remnant—and even back then, they never really had as much cred, as say, Depeche Mode or even Duran

A lot of indie music now have vocalists who don't have much "strength" or "range" but instead have "warmth" or "character", which is fine by me. If you like music that moves you, then you're more likely to be moved by a voice that suits the song or (I remember Kurt Cobain's voice described this way) speaks to the

The AV Club staff was the last place I thought I'd find a kindred spirit re: a-ha. Started obsessing about them (again—it comes every few years), and I'm glad to find a fellow fan in this place. Makes me feel less lonely. Good on you Will Harris!

Tim van Dammen. Click on that weird Romeo and Juliet A Love Song banner to the right, and you'll see

I like it!

Community is the best show on TV right now, period.

I don't like it it doesn't sound like Radiohead at all

What ever happened to Brendan Fraser? I mean, apart from this movie. I liked him!

Thank you, Pig. Exactly what I was going to comment. And it only wasn't great art because very few movies are great art. Great art is like, the Mona Lisa, right? The Mummy is not that.

But how are the commenters there? Will we get along?