
Loved this movie! Do tell me though, that I'm not the only person who would confuse Whit Stillman with Noah Baumbach. Because I still sometimes get confused.

Just saw this, and really liked it. Very sweet, and everyone comes off likeable, even the fuck-up little brother. It's #2 on iTunes' documentaries list, so it looks like Tom may have finally done something right.

This episode reminded me of just how much better this season is than last, and how good Community can be. I know that that's an obvious sentiment, but I just wanted to put it on record.

Hader was definitely the highlight. Just saying what I gotta to say, three weeks later.

John Mulaney and Bill Hader wrote Stefon TOGETHER. I would just like to point that out.

Ditto! Very funny.

I've been reading the AV Club for almost as long as the Internet has been a publicly-accessible thing, but I think this review may be the point where this site jumped the shark.

THE DISSOLVE? So that's where they all went to! Am I late to know this piece of information? I mean, I guess it wouldn't exactly be promoted on the AV Club…

Owen Gleiberman liking this movie is not a good sign. And he seems to be the only one because they quoted him twice.

Oh my god. Checked Mulaney out on YouTube, and he is a funny, funny man. And this is why I love the AV Club. Well, that and the (mostly) smart writing and a comments section that is really thoughtful more often than you think it would be.

I went to the comments section of this story hoping someone would deliver something like this. But you, my friend, have exceeded my hopes. Thank you.

Why, thank you!

I've always loved Mad Men, but this is the first time I've felt really anxious at the end of a season. It's got everything to do with the next season being its last, of course. But it's also because I've been more affected this season than any prior. Yes, I'm a little ashamed to say it—season 6 is where things

Ted is getting a lot of grief on these boards, as yes, of course, that was a lousy
thing to do to Peggy.

Yes, there's no telling where season 7 is going. I don't think it will, but I really hope
California isn't just a topic of conversation among the guys in New

This isn't the last we're going to see of Ted Chaough, is it?

I wish people would stop apologizing. Can't the Dan Harmons of this world just not care what people tweet? Please, I beg you, stop listening to the Internet. Just do what you do.

I honestly don't think that that was how Madrigal used the phrase "white privilege". To the interviewer's statement that Macklemore had been poor growing up, he replied "You just assume a white rapper has white privilege as well."

So I'm not white, but my boyfriend is. He grew up in a small town in Alabama. His dad worked in a factory line, his mom was a bank teller (when she wasn't curled up, depressed, in bed), and his brother is retarded in the psychiatric sense, and caused a great deal of worry, though his mom, at least, loved him.