
When exactly did Jeremy Renner sign up to this? I mean, between Hawkeye and the new Mission Impossible guy and the Jason Bourne replacement, Renner has almost every hero Hollywood has got. He didn't need to be Hansel.

I just saw them October, and it looks like I'm seeing them again! Thank you, AVClub for bringing me happy news!

Yeah, that "letdown" statement should never have gotten past editing. If one AV Clubber was doing a review and he called The Suburbs that, he'd be wrong, but I'd be ok with it.

Yeah, that "letdown" statement should never have gotten past editing. If one AV Clubber was doing a review and he called The Suburbs that, he'd be wrong, but I'd be ok with it.

Wait, The Suburbs was a bit of a letdown?  When was this decided? Funeral is still The Arcade Fire's best full-length, but both The Suburbs and Neon Bible are terrific.

Wait, The Suburbs was a bit of a letdown?  When was this decided? Funeral is still The Arcade Fire's best full-length, but both The Suburbs and Neon Bible are terrific.

Yeah, this would have won if it had shown up earlier. Page 2 is tough to get to.

Yeah, this would have won if it had shown up earlier. Page 2 is tough to get to.

Dear Sean and the rest of the AV Club, including Keith: you're probably not going to get to read this particular comment, but anyway: Merry, Merry Christmas! I love you guys, really. I read you just about every day, and you help make life just a little bit better. I truly do hope that you have had a wonderful year,

Dear Sean and the rest of the AV Club, including Keith: you're probably not going to get to read this particular comment, but anyway: Merry, Merry Christmas! I love you guys, really. I read you just about every day, and you help make life just a little bit better. I truly do hope that you have had a wonderful year,

Everybody, relax. Yes, lots of non-white people died in the tsunami. Yes, this movie focuses on white people. When they make movies here in my (non-white, Southeast Asian) country that are set in e.g. America, the movie's main character is invariably one of my brown countrymen rather than some white dude. It's ok. You

Everybody, relax. Yes, lots of non-white people died in the tsunami. Yes, this movie focuses on white people. When they make movies here in my (non-white, Southeast Asian) country that are set in e.g. America, the movie's main character is invariably one of my brown countrymen rather than some white dude. It's ok. You

Yes, misused. I think Koski thought it meant "to add energy" rather than the opposite

Yes, misused. I think Koski thought it meant "to add energy" rather than the opposite



I don't think I've ever laughed harder reading an interview. I've never listened to Mr. Falkous, but I'm going to start right now.

I don't think I've ever laughed harder reading an interview. I've never listened to Mr. Falkous, but I'm going to start right now.

AVClub business guys—I'm going to buy this DVD now on the basis of your review. I wish you had a link to Amazon so that you could make money off the transaction. I want to help!

AVClub business guys—I'm going to buy this DVD now on the basis of your review. I wish you had a link to Amazon so that you could make money off the transaction. I want to help!