Ugly Loser

@swag ! i agree

34 is young. i'm 24 and 34 seems really close by, a decade is nothing. This is really sucks and this came out of nowhere. Ive been really enjoying nine types of light and I've fucking loved them since young lairs. There's a lot of tv on the radio hate, but ill be defending them with increased vehemence.

@kenHR i meant the grunge guitar style. but also, yeah i'm pretty offended that nickleback plays guitar.

didn't the alternative nation lose?
I'm sure this was covered to death in the alternative nation article but, the grunge style of singing and even the guitar (minus production style) have been co-opted and beaten to the ground by mainstream rock radio. Anytime I turn on the radio all i hear is nickleback/puddle of

sleep scene
Is this the episode where homer is falling sleep in his car and drifting off into clouds? That scene always plays in my head when i haven't had enough sleep and have to wake up for work ( I have to be on the road by 630 because of traffic).

Yeah, when he told them "please stop talking about your baby" it actually made me like the character more. I really can't stand Jim and Pam anymore. They seem like the corny white couple, who think of themselves as really funny and who are really proud for their ugly baby i used to hate waiting on when i was a

After a while its nothing but puppies beating off. Its still kinda cute though

( yeah this episode sucked)
( Obviously, I haven't been through the rest of the series again, so I could be eating these words by the time we get back through all of this again, but…

this was just on!
i like that these reviews are in sync with syndication. i just saw the pie and then the next day the review shows up. it makes these reviews so much better since some of these episodes i dont remember much

Their sxsw performance was along the same lines as their snl one. I actually like their calm laid back performances and don't really see why people rip on them so much for it. Some people were complaining that casablancas barely spoke to the crowd, but fuck stage banter. Maybe im just becoming an old man who's sick

@people talking about sound quality

non apple mp3 players
its getting harder and harder to find non apple mp3 players. i hate iTunes and i was looking around for an mp3 player that didn't use it, but besides apple all i found were mp3 players from knockoff companies like coby.

can i get your dad's email address?

There was this teacher's aide at the school I worked for who was like that. She so obviously didn't give a shit about me, I couldn't stop thinking about her. When we were alone and I would try and make small talk she would just respond with something like "we need a new lesson plan for reading" or something glibly

the strokes were OK
How come these reviews never go over the music acts? Often theres no mention at all. I didn't watch but I imagine they played the two singles they just released of angles?

@umd i didn't realize till i you mentioned it that both the bachelor and the maestro feature opera music in some way. My beef with the barber one is the obnoxious Italian minstrel show of the two barbers. Maybe i'm just being an overly sensitive p.c douchebag. In retrospect, compared with Jersey Shore, its not too

unwanted opinion
The barber and the maestro episodes are my least favorite. The barber one especially. That is all.

I like tv on the radio, but their live shows are hit or miss. One time i saw them and it started raining and this girl took off her top and it was cool because as an ugly loser, live tits are a rare occurrence.

que ridiculo!

ghostland hatred
pitchfork really hates Ghostland Observatory. I'm not sure why. I mean they're not the best band ever, but they aren't THAT bad. Maybe its cuz they're from Texas?