Ugly Loser

the thing with people who don't like seinfeld is that you cant pull "its like that one episode of seinfeld" when something happens to you thats really like an episode of seinfeld. they just look at you blankly or say something pithy about how seinfeld inst funny. obviously they can no longer be trusted as human

Jeff Daniel's speech
Good morning. Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world, and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. Mankind, that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences

I don't think any show comes close to having such a strongly maintained supporting cast. My number one complaint with the movie is that they didn't really use the supporting cast in any way.

Pablo was never called an asshole
I haven't really cared about this series since the "two escobars" episode which was awesome.

now that you guys bring it up i had forgotten that in burton's batman it was the joker who killed his parents. it makes sense then that someone older watching the movie would find that as cheap and nonsensical and if i had watched the film at 18 instead of 8 i would probably deride burton for that as well. i guess

maybe age has something to do with it. I was a baby when batman came out in theaters but the vhs was around my house for years and i probably saw it the first time when i was about 8. Its probably why i remember the movie so fondly; it was one of my fist impressions of characters i would read about and see for years.

restoring sanity
No mention of his inexplicable, inexcusable appearance at the rally to restore sanity? I remember Jon Stewart introducing a "songwriter" who had "written" a new song just for the event, and he made it sound all important. But then this novelty act who had a novelty hit in the late 90s (or whenever

Stupid angry mob,
chasing me because I shine a harsh light on modern society. Now I know how Dane Cook feels

an anti-semitic boner


i like when he shot the girl and then he causally explained i to Samuel l Jackson.

yea it wasn't all that funny, just mildly amusing. I agree with you about the south park reviews. it seems everyone is still impressed with cartman but i'm throughly bored with that character.

i worked at this Mexican restaurant in a touristy part of Galveston and those two characters were like 90% of the customers. The aloof husband doing a crossword puzzle was spot on, as was the wife's comment about berating a waiter for offering her three types of ice cream.

People love saying " only the first season/album/movie is good" I know some people who stopped watching when danny de vito joined the cast, even though thats when the show started getting really good. This season started out a little weak with the first two episodes, but man its been on a roll.

Damn she does.


If you've never seen this show but have kinda wanted to see it you must be an

taylor swift
looks kinda good all tied up like that. but her eyes are still weird.

a waste of time
i wonder if hes still allowed to do Frankenstein waste a minute of our time. I just remember that because the first time i saw i thought "the frankenstein looks like Quentin Tarantino", and the next day i overheard a complete stranger say the same thing, and i just thought it was weird.

@ karl ha ha