Ugly Loser

I'm not sure how to feel about this. on one hand, I haven't liked the show in a while and I rarely catch a new episode. on the other hand..man its the Simpsons………

I thought that too, but the way it was set up made his warning look like it should be taken as somewhat credible.  Arlene seemed really suspicious of Terry's old friend, and it feels like there's a reason the show focused on her apprehension.

Did anyone else think the actress playing the witch, did a really terrible job? In all fairness the character wasn't particularly well written, but i still thought the bad acting stood out even in a show filled with weak actors.

also imagine if bill hicks had not died so young

I imagine this doctor and the dawes poster getting together to have some kind of horrible baby.

Assuming he continues until he's in his seventies
Its interesting how age works in some fields. What I mean is if you look at rock, musicians begin in their early 20s (or late teens sometimes) and they've peaked and burnt out before 40 (of course there are exceptions). but a good comedian can still sustain their

reaction to v juice
One thing that's not making any sense to me is Andy's reaction to vampire blood. Everyone in the show who took it would either get advanced abilities,energy or a crazy ass trip. But when Andy takes it he gets sloppy and disoriented. When he was about to fight Sam i thought he was going to be able

I dunno but i missed the first episode of this season. Hulu says "we are able to offer three episodes a season" or something like that, but right now they just got episode 10 from the previous season

That caught me so off guard. The guy's head just pops off and then the long continuous shot afterward just sustains the shock.

"have you thought about middle schools?" while eating blueberries in whip cream after what just went down…..man that scene alone gets the episode an A

I agree with this thread. I think it was more Louie seeing the sad desperation in another's person life. It reminded me a little of the episode where he follows the teenager home and finds out his dad hits him around.

Agreed. I find its harder to say why a show doesn't work without falling into the usual generalities (weak characters, hack plot lines..etc). Especially with comedy since laughter is pretty visceral no matter how witty the joke.

I was re-watching Party Down recently and he's in an episode, but it was a role that could literally be played by anybody who knows how to breath and stand.

Borders, IMO, was pretty damn expensive. I'm not sure if it was significantly more expensive than barnes and noble but it seemed that way.
Even half-price books has kinda shitty prices for some of its stuff. I used to look for textbooks there, but even when i did find them they still were nowhere as low as internet

In the spirit of cautious optimism ……
I stopped reading comics regularly years ago, but when i do read I get annoyed by all the deus ex machina and unnecessary convolution that is the result of keeping the same characters going for (in some cases) 50 years. So if they get the right people and handle it right, it may

i know what you mean i haven't been to the movies since i saw black swan in December.

I really don't understand what they're trying to do with these final episodes. I mean obviously their trying to hype up Steve Carell' s exit with big name guest stars, but what i don't get is why there devoting as much time as they are to the guest stars; its like there not even trying to make a storyline with micheal

Tracey Morgan
I'm not a big fan of his stand up but for some reason i'd love to see him interact with these guys. I just imagine jerry being confused and ricky being a little scared.

i'm excited Louis ck is on this. he's inclusion is my main reason for wanting to see this. Louie is a great show, i'm glad it was renewed.

To me Seinfeld has always seemed like a little bit of a dick. It doesn't mean he isn't funny or that he's show wasn't good, it just means he seems like he'd be a prick in real life. I remember a while back the guys from south park talking about how when they offered jerry a small role on south park as a turkey or