Lavoris Karloff

Just an idea
Why not Alfonso Cuaron? That guy knows how to combine practical and CG effects like almost no one else, and he knows how to do great literary adaptations. His "Harry Potter" film remains by far the best in the series. It has not only the most distinct visuals, but the clearest and most economical

I actually can comment on what she's like as a person, 'cause I've met her, and I've got to say: she's one of the warmest, most generous, delightful people you could ever hope to meet. (And I would never use the word "delightful" unless it were the only word that could fit.) Guys I know who'd never thought she was

@Felonious Drunk:

Thanks for that link, Sheltie. I have never loved Jesse Ventura more than I do now.

The book is pretty balls-out awesome. I really don't understand why they don't just adapt that story, plot point for plot point. It's better than any of the Planet of the Apes movies—even the first.

Give it ten years or so, Cmndr. You'll get your wish.

It never fails…
What I find most amazing about "studies" like these are that they seem to be conducted largely by conservatives—the very people who run off at the mouth about "personal responsibility." They most likely complain that liberals always play the victim—and yet here they are, playing the victim to the evil

I don't pat myself on the back for riding a bike until a bunch of fucktards start maligning it, so fuck you. It's not about me feeling superior to anybody, it's about my resentment at all the condescending fucks who are simultaneously afraid of/making fun of urban biking. If you really rode a goddamn bike, you'd

Yeah, Hopper is great in it, but the episode itself in unbearable. It's not just heavy-handed, it's so predictable that it doesn't deserve to be a fifteen-minute episode, much less an hour long. I knew within ten minutes who the "mysterious stranger" helping him out was.

There was this one episode from the 80s "TZ" that took place in the future: these parents had this intellectually curious kid, and they kept trying to discourage him from doing things like reading to expand his mind. They seemed awfully nervous. It seemed that the next day was the day the kid was supposed to take

I ride a bike in New York City, and I just love hearing people condescend to/disparage/infantilize people on bikes. You guys are hilarious! Though you have to help me out here: I don't quite understand how people who plant their fat asses in cars all day imagine themselves as tougher or less worthy of scorn than the

I never read that Jeph Loeb Wolvie arc, but that's because I hate Jeph Loeb with all the ferocity with which Pierce hates Millar.

Respectfully disagree, Built For Greed. "Old Man Logan" was, like a lot of Millar's work, a really cool premise with some really exciting moments, that he somehow couldn't figure out how to finish.

Funnily enough, lightsaber whips seem to figure prominently in Favreau's upcoming "Iron Man 2."

The mind boggles
I have to say, the prospect of a war between Alabama and Australia sounds terrifically entertaining.

I always wonder…
If guys like this author actually believe what they are writing, or if they simply want to show off how smart they think they are by being contrarian.

Fruit of the 30th Century
When I first (not a firstie attempt) saw the article's title, I thought it said "Durlan fruit," which made me think it was some kind of DC Direct tie-in.

The Teabaggers—and pretty much everyone in a major power position in the Republican party—are the whiniest bunch of whiny whiners I've ever seen. And you know what Captain America, child of the Depression, probably hates more than anything, no matter what his political leanings?

Sinead O'Connor should be the musical guest.

Not that everyone hasn't said this already in some form or another, but…
I tried to get through "On The Road" in my early twenties, and I just gave up about halfway through. I remember thinking, "this reads like a dude on amphetamines just hacked this out in a couple days," and I later discovered I was right. I