Think of it this way, Miller—your money is putting braces on her kids' teeth which is way more worthwhile than some bullcrap roses bought for a "girlfriend."
Cannibal! The Musical.
Hmm, if only…
Dude, yes! That site irritates me so much! It's like they sit around a table spitballing stupidly provocative teaser titles that they think will get people to click on their articles and then base some sort of half-assed opinion around those which is rarely substantiated by anything. Over and over and over—it's…
My mom told me that that movie made my dad laugh so hard he fell out of his seat into the aisle.
This is your day, commentor Mr. Belvedere.
There's a Belvedere Palace in Vienna that holds many of the most famous Gustav Klimt paintings. My friend and I sang the Mr. Belvedere theme the entire time we were there. We don't deserve art.
AJR, that was exactly what prevented me from watching it for a long time and I can get something out of some BAD comedy. I think I thought that if that movie tipped the scales and made me unable to watch Samberg ever again, I might just find myself hating all these guys making similar movies (you know, "let's sell a…
Damn right. Also, whatever it took to make that movie was worth it.
Was anyone else pretty sure Vegan Steak was summarizing "Say Anything" almost throughout his story?
Dude, if she had that in her she would've just eventually wanted you to LARP and that is the love that should be too embarrassed to speak its name. You win.
Doesn't "magical Negro" usually refer to a role where the material seems to condescend to/mythify the black character due to bigotry/white guilt? I'm just clarifying—I don't think that not liking Allen's standup style means Yummsh hates Jews. Though I don't think I'd have put it the way he did.
This year is not your year, Arthur Pewty.
Is there any point to bringing up all this rape fantasy stuff? Is it supposed to mean something relevant to something else here?
The whole thing's so brilliant—emm-eff NYU indeed. I watched it at some point in high school, too—I was really involved in journalism for a number of years and my mom told me I had to watch it. She is NEVER wrong about that kind of thing—it's been one of my top 3 or so ever since. My whole family loves "Defending…
Plus e-harmony doesn't service gay people looking for love. So, you know, they're immediately worthless.
Zing! Take that, long-dead starlet!
Oh, mbs. You're the adorablest. I left a note in your locker on the next comments page.