Singing and Reading Both

Wouldn't this be a great world if insecurity and desperation made us more attractive? If "needy" were a turn-on?

That's true. If I can be looking at a screen upon which a never-hairier Robin Williams says "I've got a hard-on for you the size of Florida!" and not only not puke forever but actually be taken in by it…that's some pretty solid work right there.

Bronsonman, I think you're my older brother.

As if gaybones and sexy are mutually exclusive?

Naw, WYMM is right—in fact, Groundhog Day succeeds DESPITE MacDowell, which is something you'll never get me to admit about any other movie.

One day, Sensei. 'Til then I shall wait in the shadows as you have instructed…whispering Brooks quotes to myself. I'm not as stealth as I really should be, huh?

I made my whole family read the Proulx story on a vacation just before the movie came out—I think we all felt like someone had scooped out our guts with melon ballers. So beautiful, though, dammit.

Moonstruck is PERFECT and I love that movie—godDAMN Cage is funny in that movie, and Vincent Gardenia, too. And I love Cher in it. I can't articulate anything particularly convincing to Moonstruck haters—I just adore it so viscerally.

You know what spells romance? Rip Torn!
Glad to see two of my favorite rom-coms ever on this list: "Roxanne", a.k.a. "if Singing and Reading Both can sit through this sax-laden theme music, she will watch this movie on a loop from the ages of about 9 to 14" and "Defending Your Life," which I believe was placed here

I'm with Riff, except that I do kind of take issue with the title of the inventory (though not the content—this is a freaking great one, I either love all of these or I'm Netflixing them right now. Hepburn ho!)—there's definitely some schmaltz in some of these films, doesn't make the romance non-believable.

That song's nothing to be ashamed about anyway, Riff.

OFG—you couldn't possibly be disappointed.

Fuck, I knew it wouldn't work out. Just like first loves…except my parents, together since they were 14 and married 35 years. THAT'S not a high standard to meet!

I'm gonna fail but…
First love stories, people?

Oooooops, "mad".

Ooh, good description of Gilford—I really adore that actor. I like how he always gets this look on his face like "well fuck, I can't be made at you no matter how much you hurt me because you're making a reasonable point and I'm the most decent guy ever." This situation comes up a lot for poor Saracen.

I mean, I think if one watched more than one Panther movie per sitting, I could see it getting old. My friends and I had some movie nights a few years back where we'd watch one of them and the Cato business was consistently hilarious. These are such great movies to watch with a group—also one of the guys present was

It's Zsa Zsa, dahlink. Nice wordsmithin', sir.

I kinda of feel like if you don't want to watch the Cato attacks all night long, you stand across a gulf from a certain kind of Pink Panther appreciater. Not judgin', just sayin.'

I know—those dudes loom LARGE in my poetry.