Singing and Reading Both

Uh…she went to the…yarn store? Yeah, she's crocheting this massive doily for the couch.

Give Foer time, he'll try his best to recreate Ballard repackaged as his own prose. He did it to Helen DeWitt and Gunter Grass, the twat.

Sigh…that is just…BITCHIN'.

So glad someone else mentioned this—one of the most profound, hegemony-skewering, rug-pulling reads I'll ever have in my life. There's no novel I love more than this fucked-up pomo awesomeness. None. Feeling awfully grateful to the man myself right now…thanks, JGB.

I can't think of a short story I like BETTER than "The Concentration City"…good call. I might need to pore over my Ballard short stories tonight,

Much more cleverer—yes. That movie is my pole of cinematic depressiveness.

I saw "What Dreams May Come" (traumatic enough) with a group of friends in high school for some reason—one of these, a very dear friend, had JUST lost his father within the month. Awwwkward…

Well thanks dude! That's both kindly and prudent of you! I always look forward to your maudlin tales of woe.

Maaaaan I love Dirty Work. That movie is a perfect version of itself. If ever I want to laugh, I think:

Dude, Vegan Steak, nice.

"what kind of dickhead hates Wayne's World?"

I'd say mbs is my MPDG but though he brings magic to my life, he will not destroy me nor require me pick him up at rehab.

Probably people are over this thread, but anyway, I'm in a love-showing mood, so I just wanna say
1) Jorge—great news!
2) I think about 95% of the women who post on this site immediately seem like my homies—and as we all know, phel is a favorite for a reason. She's funny and cool and states herself well and is very

Every time I see "Dead Alive" I think you guys are talking about "Dead Again" which is such a stupid fucking movie that I'm pretty sure the U.K. decreed that Branagh and Thompson divorce and never meet again.

I should watch this one again—not only is this article a good read, but the comments are pretty inspired. TomWaits—nice.

Wow, Bob1—your recipe did not make awesome on my stove.

hot dogs, I'll give it up for Faketroll, Ph.D.—that was hilarious as all get-out.

@Totz: then I'm too late!

Yay, I love Adam and the Ants too! Could I put the song "Mohair Locker Room Pinup Boys" on more mixes for friends? No I could not.

I'm with Snape.