Singing and Reading Both

Uh, BR—snap!

Shall I be the first to say it? Most of everything sucks.

Snape, I guess the "promising young man with prospects breaks free from social expectation through sexual escapades which give him courage to avoid the mold that's been cast for him" plot is not necessarily specific to the mid twentieth century, though it also made it into "Goodbye, Columbus," and citing the clothing

Thanks, dudes! I've heard of Alan Patridge and then went ahead and never checked it out, so this should fix that.

All right, Millsy, I'll give it a chance for your sake. I, too, have been introduced to an awful lot of great stuff I might not have bothered with had it not been for folks around here. For instance, I mentioned last summer that I'd never managed to let "Double Indemnity" hit the top of my Netflix queue. People

I find it super dated.

Ok, gotta confess my ignorance—what made people love Steve Coogan? I haven't seen much of his work but the bastard's never made me laugh. I liked his scene in "Coffee & Cigarettes" but that was more of a Molina scene. Help?

That description is worthy of you and your consistent awesomeness, Miller, but I feel like our responses to this Q&A can't help but make for dull discussion. All of us shrugging our shoulders: "I don't get why this is supposed to be so great…oh well." I'm sure people will come up with compelling defenses of some of

Why'd you hate it? Too Capra-ey?

Q: What do you call a tennis match between Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder?

This is a stupid discussion, but I gotta give it up for Parma Police. Ohio holla.

I think Liz/Sling Blade said "I sure do love me some fried potaters" and Jenna said "No you don't, Oprah!" which TOTALLY VIOLATES the "yes and" rule of improv. OMG awesome improv joke LOLZ!

As per usual, I'm with Noel Murray
This AVQ&A was not my bag. Are you guys running out of good ideas, because this feature started off so well and now it sucks the fun out of the the end of the week, and not in that rad Buzzkills way.

Romani Rose Lee was HAWT on "Weeds."

I don't love seeing my students bring a whole breakfast into our class and eat it like they're watching TV. It's a language class, so it's interactive and speaking is part of their grade—food is an interference. I don't mind a sip of water—hell, I bring drinks to class—but it shouldn't become a distraction when any

How's it possible that for once I know everyone named in one of these and someone else is objecting their obscurity? That never happens—I am truly King Shit of Fuck Mountain today.

A performance consists of a lot of elements. I just don't accept that directors can *always* take as much credit as you argue, and in this case, Allen's contribution to Cruz' performance seems negligible.

Okay AD, I fully grant you that Allen managed to frame Cruz within shots as the camera rolled. I just don't think his direction was a big factor in the acting job she did (see: the film's other mopey performances), nor his script, as a lot of her part consisted of ranting charmingly in Spanish.

I like your comments, eligit.

I am that, no question.