Singing and Reading Both

More like Vicky Cristina BOREcelona, except for…
I know this shouldn't usually be a factor in someone's Oscar win, but I think Penelope Cruz' kickass performance deserves special mention for providing something fantastic to watch in a real wankfest of a movie. No way can Woody Allen take credit for her awesomeness,

I thought he was pretty hot in "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure."

Well, they WERE good thoughts!

Ew. Yeah, we had a science teacher suspended for inappropriate contact with female students—not fired, though, just made to sit in the time-out chair for a while. He was a fan of mine and was a little odd, but I never considered the favoritism creepy until his actions with other girls came to light.

I'm afraid I have to agree about the music—it has its place but those plunks are used so liberally that it really adds to the "DO YOU FUCKING GET WHAT WE'RE GOING FOR" that infects this film.

Thanks for lightening up this thread, Phel. It's a very thoughtful one, but it needed a joke.

That video with the makers of 'Cold Souls'
makes me want to hurl. What a pain in the ass that woman is.

That Stevie Wonder clip really made me happy—he is such perfection.

See, I'd definitely have to go with "I Whupped Batman's Ass." That may be played at my wedding.

And I often do, MC.

I think I watched 'Quick Change' because people were going on about it here and man, it is just so very underrated.

I might have mentioned this on this site before, but I've long been developing a half-cocked yet semi-serious theory about Cage being, as it was put above, "in on the joke" of his career since, I'm gonna say, roughly the time he won his Oscar for "Leaving LV". I've made an actual project of watching his movies to see

I got two main beefs, AVC
1) This whole "# reasonable discussions are occurring" is silly. It doesn't make sense because it refers to the total number of comments AND replies posted, which would mean that each post is discussing something with itself. And I just think it's kinda snide and unfunny, which may be the

ZMF's around, but I've been wondering about JvS, too—he was AWOL for a while before the redesign was introduced.

I'd watch it, but of course, one couldn't post an avatar image depicting the event.

Wow, that was fully realized, mbs—it had an arc and everything.

I know he'll never go back to Spanish-speaking roles consistantly enough for my taste, but DAMN I enjoyed him in 'Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down." He doesn't get cast the way he should anymore.

Homo…man up and face the box.

"yes, I dearly miss my red box"

I have big plans for many photos of Albert Brooks. This is not to be read as an admission of ugliness.